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Jace led me to a room with a brown door which I was guessing to be my new room. I entered the room and looked around, the walls were painted grey and the bed had a grey duvet and pillows.

"This will be your room for now. There are some clothes in the closet" he told me. I looked at him strangely wandering where he got the clothes from.

He must have noticed me staring cause he suddenly added "this room belonged to my younger sister, she used to live here before she um got married so she left but her clothes are still here."

"oh in that case thank you" I said feeling embarrassed for making assumptions. "No problem. If you need anything then don't hesitate to ask me" he says with a smile.

I nodded at him and he left. I dropped down on the bed with a groan. 'what have I done?' I thought to myself. Why did I have to tell such a lie?

Well I already knew the answer to that question, it was the fact that I only had three choices.

1) I could tell them the truth (not happening).

2) I could kill them, something that didn't feel right to me, infact anytime I thought about harming them it brought a feeling of dread to me and I didn't like it.

Maybe it's because I know they're innocent people. I wasn't really brought up to kill innocent people even if they were annoying and made me feel like roasting them.

3) I could tell a little lie which was the option I went with. Seems like I'll have to change my plans and all my investigations will be carried out from this house.

I took a shower in the bathroom And got dressed in a short matching pink top and bottoms before climbing into bed.

I tried to think of a plan on how to go about all these lies but I could only picture one person no matter how much I tried to clear my head. I kept seeing Mikhail's face over and over again, his eyes and everything about him kept playing in my head.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to plan anything tonight, I was far too tired to think and so I just let sleep take me.

I woke up when the Rays of the sun hit my face through the curtains. As I got out of bed I groaned loudly and rubbed my face. I went to the closet and picked out some undergarments, a knee length blue gown and black shoes which I planned on wearing today.

I contemplated what to do today. I need to start investigating the kidnappings but how will I do that when I just got my self stuck with this weird clan especially with the lie I told them about not remembering a thing. If I sneak out and they find me then I'll put myself in a suspicious position but I cannot delay any longer or my people will suffer for it.

After wearing my clothes I realized that I wasn't getting anywhere with my thoughts so I decided to leave my room in search for the guys. I slowly crept out the door moving carefully down the narrow passage way and down many unfamiliar staircases before I ended up in a place I assume is the kitchen.

On entering the kitchen I saw a lot of people cooking and from the amount of food I can see I'll say thousands of people will be fed. Well I guess this clan is really large.

Suddenly one of those cooking turned to face me, a woman who looked to be in her Forties. She smiled before walking towards me "hello Miss can I help you?" I smiled back.

"yeah I was wondering where I could find Jace" I answered. She was quiet for a while and she seemed to be staring out into space before finally looking at me. "Oh Beta Jace is upstairs doing some work he said he will be down in a few minutes to meet you, he also said we should serve you food before he gets back" she said with another smile.

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