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"Fiona can we talk?" Mikhail asked looking in my direction. Everyone had gone off in different directions when we entered the pack house and it was just me and him left.

"Sure but can you give me a few minutes? I need to talk to Daphne" I tell him already turning around to leave.

"Yeah sure, is there a problem?" He asks and I turn around to see him frowning. "No it's just some girl stuff, don't worry about it" I say smiling.

He nods at this but I know he's not convinced. I turn around and head upstairs towards Daphne's room. I knock lightly when I get there and I hear her voice telling me to come in. She must have recognized my scent already.

Stepping into her room I find Daphne lying face first on her bed and I gently close the door. " So... what are you doing?" I ask gently moving closer to her bed.

"Well I'm just laying here, thinking about stuff" she tells me without even bothering to look up. I take a seat next to her on the bed and fold my arms.

"And might I ask what 'stuff' you're thinking about?" I ask but she just groans in reply. "Could this stuff be somehow related to...Jeremy?" I try again and I feel her stiffen beside me.

Finally she turns on the bed and faces my direction. She frowns slightly before sighing again "how did you know?" She asks rubbing her forehead with her fingers.

It's my turn to frown at her now. What exactly do I know? "Well I don't know what you're talking about but I know there's an issue and it definitely has something to do with Jeremy so you tell me"

"Why do you think so?" She asks evading my question. I shake my head at her feeble attempt not to tell me. I'm not leaving her room until she tells me what's happening.

"Well I'm not sure, maybe it's the fact that you've done nothing but stare at him since he got here? Or maybe it's the fact that I've seen you smile more times in the past two days than you have since I got here" I say giving her a pointed stare.

Her shoulders slump and she sits up and faces me properly. She stares at me for some seconds but averts her gaze again and stares at her knees. "Actually... Jeremy is my mate"

My eyes widen in shock at her revelation. So that's why she has been acting so strange, I can't believe they're mates.

"This is wonderful, I can't believe it" I say happily sending a smile her way but she doesn't reciprocate at all. This makes the smile fall of my face and I frown back at her.

"You don't seem too happy about it" I say and she nods. "Why? He's your mate Daphne! The mate you've been waiting for with so much eagerness and now he's finally here so why aren't you happy?"

"It's not that I'm not happy, I am happy, I-I-I am happy about this, it's just that I'm a bit worried. He's a dragon and I'm not, I don't even think he realizes that we're mates and everything is just messed up, I don't know what to do"

My hands find their way to her shoulders and I try to calm her down. "Daphne listen to me. All of that doesn't matter. What matters is that you're mates, soul mates. That should be all you care about" I tell her and I watch as tears start to fill her eyes and she hugs me.

We stay there hugging for a while and she's slowly sniffing, probably trying to wipe her tears. She finally lets go after a while and I see that her eyes and nose are already turning red.

"Daphne, I understand your fears, I really do. I felt the same way after finding out that Mikhail and I are mates and that is exactly why I can't let you make the same mistakes I did"

She nods at his and I smile at her again. "I am going to talk to Jeremy and see if he knows that you're mates and we'll see where things go from there" she nods in agreement.

"Okay I have to go now, Mikhail wants to talk to me but don't worry I'll talk to Jeremy after" I tell her. She looks nervous all of a sudden "but what if he doesn't want me as his mate? What if he rejects me?" The fear is obvious on her face and I shake my head at her silliness.

"Jeremy would never reject you, I'm sure he'll be glad to know that you're mates" with that I walk out of the room and towards Mikhail's office.

My heart beats loudly in my chest as I get closer to his office. There's no doubt at all that he wants us to discuss this heat issue. The thought of discussing it makes me feel embarrassed.

Finally I spot the door to his office and I knock on it. He tells me to come in and I take a deep breathe before stepping in. He looks up from the pile of paperwork on his table and smiles at me.

He gets up from the seat and walks towards me. I smile back and wait for him to get to me. He plants a kiss on my forehead and takes my hand before leading me back to the couch.

"So how are you feeling? Especially with your parents early departure" he asks softly and I manage to smile at him. "I would be lying if I told you that I am okay so I won't. All I can say is that I'm trying. For them, for my friends and for you, I'm trying to hold on" I tell him honestly.

"And that's all I need you to do. To try, to keep trying no matter how hard it gets because we will overcome this problem and everything will go back to the way it was, to the way it is supposed to be" he tells me grabbing both of my hands in his.

"I wanted to talk about...the heat" he says slowly gauging my face for a reaction but continues when he doesn't find one. "To be honest... I'm terrified of everything Mary said. I don't want you to experience such excruciating pain. It would tear me apart to see you in pain Fiona" he says sadly and I can't help but feel sad too.

"I understand Mikhail, I really do. I can't imagine having to watch you suffer and not being able to do anything about it either. You know I was actually going to say that I'd bear the pain, that was until she told us the full details. But now... Now I'm not so sure " I admit to him.

I'm actually scared to experience this heat. From what Mary told us, the pain would be like nothing I've ever experienced before and I don't know if I can handle that.

"And you don't have to Fiona. I'll make sure you don't have to. We will complete the mating process before your heat" Mikhail says with so much confidence that my mouth slips open in shock.

"How can you say that with so much confidence? Don't you think it's too soon?" I ask him. "Actually it's quite late judging by werewolf standards. Most mates mark and mate within the first three days of meeting. It's been over a month Fiona and I haven't even marked you"

"I get it, it just feels a bit overwhelming for me. I don't know if I can do this" I say shakily but he just smiles back at me. "You can Fiona. We'll do it together " he adds giving my hands a little squeeze.

I'm just so glad to have met him. I know that we will both get through this, we'll be each other's support, till the very end.

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