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'Enough Caleb' I say angrily but he just snarls back at me. Caleb has been driving me crazy the whole day. He is worried about what Mary told us and he has been very clear about his displeasure.

'Look I understand that you're upset. I am too. I don't want Fiona to go through the heat either but yelling at me won't stop it from happening and you know that' I tell him. He finally stops pacing around and lays down instead.

'I know it won't but I just think you should be with her now, trying to convince her to complete the mating process and not here doing some nonsense paperwork' he says with frustration clear in his voice.

'I can't do that Caleb. She's already feeling confused as it is and it pains me to make her do something she isn't ready for now. I want her to come to terms with it, I won't bring it up and I won't pressure her. Also it's not nonsense paperwork, it's to finalize our alliance with the night shade pack' I tell him.

'And have you heard anything from Alpha Daniel recently?' he asks but I shake my head. 'he hasn't given me any news but he will be coming here tomorrow with some of his people to finalize the alliance so we'll see what happens then'

With this I go back to sorting out the paperwork. Caleb doesn't give any further complaints but just stays silent and lets me do my work.

After sorting out the last of the paperwork I head off to my room to sleep. I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. The pack has already prepared everything for Alpha Daniel's arrival.


The alarm blares to life jolting me from my sleep with a groan. I stop the alarm and get up from my bed. It's already 7 AM and I have things to do.

After getting ready for the day I head out to meet Jace and Mark so we can discuss about the preparations. They must be at the pack ground training the others now.

I head over to my office first to grab a folder, it contains the names of those who would be coming along with Alpha Daniel, his pack members.

I'm about to leave the office when the phone suddenly rings. I pick it up and realize it is Alpha Daniel who is calling me.

"Alpha Daniel, I assume you're already on your way-" I start to say but he cuts me off before I can finish. "Alpha Mikhail I'm calling to let you know that we might be a little late. Our neighbouring pack, the Northridge pack called for our help a while ago, they're being attacked by rouges so I sent some of my warriors there to assist them. I'm also on my way to their pack right now" he tells me.

I think over it for some seconds. The rouges attacking them could be the same ones we're after. If it is really is them, we mustn't let go of this opportunity. It's the only lead we've gotten on them.

"Alpha Daniel, no matter what happens we need to Capture some of them alive so that we can Interrogate them. You mustn't let them get away. I will send some of my warriors to head there now" I tell him strictly. We can't let go of this chance.

"There's no need for that. I understand what you said and I will make sure that we capture some of them, my pack and I can handle the situation" he says and I frown.

"Are you sure about that? Are you sure you can handle it?" I ask him coldly. I will not allow him to ruin the only lead we have with his incompetence.

"Yes Alpha, I will personally bring them to you later in the day when we come to your pack. Consider it a gift to you for agreeing to this alliance." He says and hangs up.

'That overconfident asshole. He better handle this issue properly or he can kiss this alliance goodbye' Caleb says with a growl.

I quickly mind link Jace, Mark and some of my most trusted warriors to come to my office. I need to Inform them about the recent development.

It takes a few minutes for all of them to arrive and when they do, I tell them about everything Alpha Daniel told me. They also seem worried about whether his pack can handle the issue or not.

"We need to question those rouges. It's the only way we can find out about their plans and what they're trying to achieve. For now we can't do anything but wait for news from Alpha Daniel, then we'll figure out the next step" I tell them before dismissing them. The others leave but Jace and Mark stay back.

"So will you tell Fiona about this?" Mark asks and I sigh. "I didn't want to tell her about it before but I know she will find out sooner or later and I would rather not have her mad at me, I can't have that now" I tell them running my hands through my hair.

"Okay then we should tell all the girls. I'll mind link Amanda and tell her to get them" Jace says and I nod.

He mind links Amanda and we all wait for them to get here. A few minutes later we hear a knock at the door and I tell them to come in.

Amanda walks in first, then Gina, Daphne and finally Fiona. The scent on her has definitely gotten stronger now and I can't help but frown. It's like the scent is a constant reminder of what will happen soon.

"Hi, you wanted to see us?" Gina asks after they all take a seat on the couch and I nod at her.

"I was on the phone with Alpha Daniel and he won't be coming now. His pack is helping another pack who are currently under attack by rouges. We suspect that the rouges might be the same ones we're after so they'll try to Capture some of them. If they succeed, then they'll bring them along when they're heading here " I tell them.

Fiona is the first to speak "do you think this Alpha Daniel can capture them?" She asks and I can see how anxious she is. I really don't know if Alpha Daniel can achieve this task but I don't want her to be disappointed.

"Well, we'll just have to wait and see" I tell her, sending a small smile her way. She nods at this.

"Okay so we just have to wait right?" Daphne asks and I nod again. "Okay, so can we go now?" She asks and I nod again.

At this they all get up to leave, Including the guys but Daphne doesn't even make an attempt to get off the couch.

"What do you want Daphne?" I ask her but she just smiles back at me innocently. "Oh... nothing, I just wanted to ask you about something" she says and I groan.

"Are you going to let Fiona experience heat?" She asks me raising her eyebrows and I shake my head. "Of course not, I won't let her go through such pain" I say with finality.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear" she says before turning around and walking out of my office. 'well that was the shortest lecture you've ever received from her' Caleb says and I can't help but laugh. He's right, it didn't even last five minutes.

Now I just have to wait, and I hope that Alpha Daniel can handle this issue.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 08 ⏰

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