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Loud, boisterous laughter booms around me again and I shake my head at the scene playing out in front of me.

We are all having a celebratory dinner to celebrate me and Mikhail being mates and everything is going well.

Mikhail had informed the cooks to make us a scrumptious feast and they really outdid themselves.

My mouth was open in shock when several delicacies that I didn't even know the names of were lined up in front of us and even Alice almost purred at how delicious they smelled.

We all dug into the food and I had already lost count of the number of times I moaned at the taste of the food.

Even though we were all enjoying the food, it was obvious that Jeremy fancied the food more than the rest of us.

He gobbled everything down while making several comments about how he would have visited the human realm more if he knew that their food was this good.

My father made a toast to Mikhail and me and another smile stood proudly on my face at his actions. I was so glad that he finally accepted Mikhail.

After the dinner was over my parents and friends had all been shown to the rooms prepared for them and they had all retired to bed.

My friends had also retired to bed even though Daphne was really reluctant to leave.

She was extremely quiet this night and I noticed that she was still staring at Jeremy during dinner.

Okay I definitely need to talk to her about that. Does she have a crush on Jeremy or something?

Mikhail and I were still awake though, he had gone back to his office after dinner and I chose to go meet him.

I should have gone to bed since it was already late but I just felt the serious urge to be in his sight so I followed him to his office and sat on the chair as I watched him take care of the remaining paperwork from earlier.

He was a bit shocked that I didn't go to bed and had asked if something was wrong but I waved it off and told him I wanted to stay with him.

It seems that I'm not yet over my obsessive stage and it's just getting worse. At this point even Mikhail must have noticed that I'm being clingy but I just can't help it.

I wonder if it's a dragon thing though, maybe dragons grow the extreme urge to always be with their mate after meeting them.

This felt different though, it wasn't just about wanting to be in Mikhail's sight but It was about me wanting him to look at me always, to touch me, to– I quickly cut off my train of thoughts.

I can't believe I've been thinking about things like that. What is wrong with me?

'Alice do you have any idea what's going on?' I ask her while fiddling with one of the pillows on the couch but she just shakes her head in return.

'I don't know but I feel it too, I just want to go over there and kiss him' she says dreamily and I can't help but roll my eyes. 'you're not helping, alice' I tell her but she just scoffs at me.

'And what exactly do you want me to do? I can barely concentrate on anything apart from the thoughts of having him do things to us, it is so distracting ' she says with a little bit of annoyance.

I can't help but agree with her though, I haven't been able to focus on anything throughout the night because thoughts of marking and mating with Mikhail have kept me occupied.

I look up at him as he writes something down and wonder if he feels the same urge to mate with me.

He must feel it too right? I can't be the only one feeling like this, I just can't.

The dragon mate sagaWhere stories live. Discover now