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'crack' I look down at my palm to see that the pen I was holding is now broken, I broke it from squeezing so hard.

Fiona already left a few minutes ago but I'm still bothered.

She was thinking about something and it had an effect on her.

I'm so curious about it, what could she have been thinking of? Maybe she was... Thinking about me? No that's probably not it. She's too pure to have those thoughts.

Whatever it was, I just hope it wasn't about another man.

Caleb growls at this and I try to calm him down, he's still agitated about what happened a few minutes ago.

The arousal coming off Fiona almost made me lose control over him, he wanted to come out and mark her, maybe even mate with her.

It took a lot of effort for me to hold him back and he is not happy about it.

He has been restless for a few days now. Whinning about wanting to mark his mate and all that.

I've tried explaining to him that we can't do that now, especially not with everything going on.

Fiona and I haven't gotten to know each other that well and I wouldn't want to pressure her when she already has a lot on her plate.

Caleb doesn't seem to care about all of that, he just wants his mate and I can't blame him.

A part of me wants to mark her too but I will hold back for as long as necessary.

'Don't be so sure about that' Caleb says grumpily and I roll my eyes at his current mood.

"What do you mean? I'm definitely going to be patient about this" I tell him sternly hoping that he will get the message that he should do the same but he shakes his head in reply.

'You don't know how much effort it's taking me not to stalk over to her room and claim her this instant' he tells me and I freeze.

"What is wrong with you? You have been acting weird for a few days now. You've been more... Lustful towards Fiona" I say angrily and he huffs.

'It's not my fault, I just can't control myself. It's like something is forcing me to think that way, I feel compelled to complete the mating process'

This makes me frown. What does he mean by compelled? "Caleb what do you mean?" I ask and he sighs before laying down.

'I can't explain it, I just feel more drawn to her. I'm more aware of her scent, her presence, everything about her is suddenly a thousand times more addictive " he says truthfully.

'It doesn't help that she sometimes spurs me on. The way she kissed us yesterday for example. The way she touched us, I wasn't expecting that.

If that guard hadn't interrupted us then I'm positive that I would have marked her' he tells me.

I smile remembering what Fiona did yesterday. I never expected that she would touch or even kiss me but I absolutely enjoyed it.

'Look Caleb I don't know what has suddenly come over you but you need to keep yourself in check. Don't scare her off'

He shakes his head at this 'i've been trying but it's not working. I guess I have to try harder' he says finally agreeing with me.

"Let's leave this matter for now. We should finish the paperwork and get some rest. Alpha Daniel will be coming to visit soon to finalize the alliance between our packs"

Caleb scoffs again 'I still don't understand why you're accepting an alliance with him, we don't need his pack' he says with arrogance.

"Yeah we don't need his pack but it will do him good to form an alliance with us."

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