CH 70

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Double update for you guys so enjoy!💖


Taehyung & Hana

Strictly speaking, this matter started because of Hana.

That day, after Hana was encouraged by Lisa, she went back and pondered over the matter. After some hesitation, she finally decided to make known the feelings in her heart.

She called Lisa and told her that these few days she was going to take action. She said that even if she was not as lucky as Lisa who finally got her wish, but she would not ignore her feelings, would not hold grievances in her heart and she would not have any regrets.

When Lisa heard what she said, Lisa felt anxious for her. Instead, Lisa comforted her and said she had carefully thought this over. She had prepared herself and she also said she would tell Lisa no matter what the outcome was.

Three days later, Lisa received a call from Hana. She was crying on the phone and said that she had just met Taehyung and had already told him. His reaction was.......he was shocked and froze there as if he did not know how to answer her. Finally, after staying mute for a long time, he only said that he had already made arrangements for his return to B-city and he would be returning home soon.

Hana said that she understood Taehyung's meaning. So they separated and each went back to their own home but she could not control herself and called Lisa on her way home. She said that although she knew the result would be like this, she still felt very happy that she had told him. However, even though she felt so happy but why was she unable to control her tears from flowing?

Lisa was saddened by Hana's experience and she apologized to her. Lisa felt that if it was not for her encouragement, Hana would not have to endure this and she had to cry so bitterly. Instead, Hana thanked her.

Lisa told Rosé about this matter and asked for her opinion. Rosé said that this was actually quite good. It was better to say what was in the heart rather than keeping everything in the heart and have illusions. She felt that Hana said she was happy because she had finally done something that she did not actually dare to do. Hana was sad because even though she said she did not harbor any hopes but in fact, she must have had imagined Taehyung having the same feelings as her.

Jisoo's thoughts on this matter were different. She felt that there was nothing to be sad about. That man had said he had made arrangements to return home but he did not say he did not like the woman. If what that woman wanted was just love, maybe she already got it. Someone had once loved her and it was what she had wished for. If what she wanted is endless love, now is just the beginning. To solve the difficulties of carrying on a love relationship in different cities, why doesn't she follow him to B-city or try to fight for the man to stay? Wouldn't that be better?

"But maybe Taehyung didn't say that he didn't like her but was only just trying to be tactful. He behaves like a gentleman and is a good man."

"Is that girl, Hana sure? Did she ask him? Did she ask clearly? Sometimes, men are not as considerate as you think. He is no longer her colleague and soon he will be leaving for another city. They will no longer meet again, so what is the fart use of being tactful? In this situation, if he doesn't reject her right off, isn't it worse to let the woman carry hopes for him?"

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