CH 36

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He is cute

When she returned home, she cooked a pot of white rice and ate two big bowls of rice with the braised pork shoulder. After eating, she felt very contented.

In the night, when she was lying on the bed, she thought of the dishes in Jungkook's fridge. It looked like he had prepared a lot. It was just after work, how did he manage to buy so much food? If it was her, to be able to accomplish that she would have to secretly return home in the afternoon.

There was also that woman, Jieun. Although that woman had nothing to do with her, she really did not like her and she also wondered what was Jungkook's current thoughts. Initially, he must have loved her very deeply otherwise he would not have suffered so badly. His two other girlfriends after Jieun were completely different from her and the duration of their love affairs was also not long. And until now he still has not fallen in really looks like he had not forgotten his old love.

So, it is no wonder that Jieun is so full of confidence. Maybe she knew him very well, maybe during that time, she also had the same feelings as him but it was she who had wounded him badly. For her to come back to him, however, was something difficult for Jungkook to accept.

Does Jungkook still like her? This matter made Lisa worried.

She tried hard to recall the scene of the two people facing each other today. The door was opened and they talked in the doorway. Could it be Jieun had also just arrived? And Jungkook did not allow her to enter his apartment?

She blinked a few times and felt a bit sleepy. Jungkook had told her that if he wanted to reject other women, he did not need her as a shield. After thinking about pulling her out, it would increase Jieun's confidence.

He had also said that he was not the kind of person who enjoys making fun of women. Although she believed him, he had actually made fun of her.

When sleep finally overcame her, it was difficult for her to resist. She still had not finished thinking about this matter and she did not want to fall asleep so early but she still fell asleep. Just before she slept, her last thought could there be a man like Jungkook who has such obvious advantages and disadvantages?

He makes people like him and hate does he manage to do that?


The next day, Lisa was very busy.

She had endless customer calls to make and there were endless policy details to process. She also had to attend a meeting and went for two training sessions. After that, she also had to sort out a customer's policy.

The whole day, the calls she made had been rejected endless times and in one of the calls, the person had used vulgar words to scold her. She rarely encountered such low-quality customers and felt very uncomfortable in her heart. The second half-day, her mood was not very good.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, an express delivery man came and said there was a parcel for Lisa. The front desk asked her to accept delivery herself and she was surprised. When she looked at the name and address, it was indeed hers. In puzzlement, she accepted the parcel and returning to her seat, she opened the box to find it contained her favorite durian candy.

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