CH 66

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To get something done quickly, cannot be done by only one party.

To make her totally devote herself to him also cannot be done by only one party.

The next day, Jungkook as the driver drove Lisa and Jisoo to the airport.

Lisa was in a gloomy mood and she fought back her tears fiercely. As she looked at Jisoo disappeared from sight, suddenly she thought. This woman is running to a she running towards life or running into a battlefield? Or is life a battlefield once a man appears?

She turned her head around and looked at Jungkook's face showing a relaxed and happy expression. Unconsciously, she felt depressed. He was never with her in sadness and in happiness, and she hated it.

"What?" Jungkook asked when he saw her expression.

"Nothing." Lisa turned her head and walked away.

Well, she also has her own battlefield. She must carefully plan how she could be with Jungkook for a lifetime without changing him.

She will not change him and he will not change her.

She wants to live a lifetime with someone and she hopes the someone can be Jungkook.

But now it seems he does not feel secure with her and it is reasonable to say this should not happen. His conditions are so much better than hers and it is normal for her to feel uneasy. What about him? Is it because he is not invested in this relationship enough or is it because she is not enthusiastic enough?

Lisa thought seriously about this. She noticed Jungkook looking at her carefully. She threw a glance at him and suddenly realized that she seems more powerful than before.

Jungkook asked her again apprehensively. "What?"

"Nothing." She turned her head sideways and decided to maintain her momentum.

But how does one negotiate? She had not thought of a way. Suddenly she saw a supermarket and she shouted for him to stop. She requested to go in to buy something and of course, Jungkook had no opinion. It was a good start to go shopping with his girlfriend.

The two of them pushed a shopping cart and went in.

"What do you want to buy?"

"I've not decided." Lisa answered.

Jungkook opened his mouth and then closed it again.

She touched here and there, looked around and it seemed like she was preoccupied.

Jungkook finally could not control himself and said. "The next time if you have a shortage of something in the house, you should make a list. It is more efficient and you can buy directly."

Her reply came back quickly. "Shopping is not about efficiency, it is about pleasure."

Jungkook was taken aback and did not speak. In fact, according to him, efficiency equates to pleasure. Obviously, women do not see it that way.

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