CH 12

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Emotional problem

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After Lisa finished the bread, she sat for a little while longer and by that time, the sky had already turned dark. There were many mosquitoes in the courtyard garden and she had already been bitten several times. When she looked at her watch and it was nearly 7 o'clock.

Jungkook did not reply to her text message, nor did he call her, nor did he appear in front of her.

Is this situation considered as she had won?

Lisa threw the plastic bag and empty plastic water bottle into the trash can in the garden before she slowly entered the hospital building and went into the toilet. After she left the hospital gates, she slowly walked to the bus stop. All along the way, she did not meet any familiar faces. She should feel at ease but she was a bit confused about her mood.

Did she really scare that Mongolian doctor? So after this, he would not dare to casually provoke her, right? She had used the right strategy and had hit the bullseye. Her plan was too effective, too satisfying but why did she feel depressed. What is the matter with her?

She thought for a while and decided she must have been provoked by Nurse Meiqi. It was really nasty of Jungkook, such a big man, to send a woman to deal with her. It was unexpected and therefore she felt angry.

But now she does not feel angry. She thinks......ah......what should she say?......the feeling of loss or being embarrassed?

Did she use the right description?

When she reached home, Lisa surfed the Internet.

'Sense of loss'......these words gave the meaning of emotional emptiness or the loss of emotional support and the word 'Melancholy' refers to being sad and depressed because of frustration or disappointment.

This is strange....... Lisa frowned as she looked at the computer screen. She did not feel empty, ah..... She still has so many things waiting for her to settle. She felt so emotionally enriched that she nearly cried.

Emotional support? Disappointment? Which is which?

Her emotional support was not from the Mongolian doctor. Then what is she hoping for? Obviously, she had defeated the enemy and won the war.

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