CH 17

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More than a relative

Choice? What choice?

He said it was her choice. Does she want a stranger to take her clothes off and do a check or let him do it?

She stared at Jungkook and looked at his unpredictable expression. Her brain finally did a right about-turn.

She was molested!

Although her heart rate was exceptionally fast......although she should really do a check-up in this situation, he had really used his doctor's status to molest her!

Revenge, this is definitely his revenge!

What is this called? Taking liberties with her or what? Or is this paying back for a grudge, act according to the situation?

Too crafty! Too shameless!

She continued to stare at him. He did not avoid nor dodge her stare but calmly met her eyes.

Lisa suddenly asked. "Dr. Jeon, If I don't do this check-up, will I die?"

Jungkook replied solemnly. "You suddenly went into a coma and now you have abnormal symptoms. If you don't do a check-up and get a proper diagnosis, no one can say what problem may arise. As a doctor, I still suggest you do a check-up. Don't be careless."

"Then as a friend, what advice will you give?"

"I will advise you not to think too much and regard me as a doctor. Or if you think you feel more at ease if other doctors attend to you, I will get another doctor to do so."

"What about as the man I want to pursue?" Lisa blinked and although her face was still red, she tried hard to put on an innocent and fearless expression.

Who doesn't know how to take liberties! She also can do it!

Jungkook did not immediately answer. He stared at her and she also looked straight back at him.

"As the man you are pursuing......" Jungkook spoke up and dragged on the last word. He smiled and that smile did not only make Lisa's heartbeat quicken but also make her feel panic-stricken.

"I will write out a prescription for you to do an ECG and a CT including a hospital stay of three days. You are required to fast and you are forbidden to drink water tonight. You will have to do a urine test tomorrow morning. The nurse will draw eight tubes of blood for testing and then arrange for the B-type ultrasound examination. You will have to do a nuclear magnetic resonance test and undergo a psychiatric examination, internal medicine, gynecology and other consultations at the same time. Once any problem is found......" His thumb and forefinger were placed together with a tiny gap indicating a tiny problem. "I will let you do more check-ups, prescribe medication to make sure you quickly recover and make sure you are in good health. In this way, you will then have enough strength and spirit to pursue me. Don't you agree?"

Lisa was dumbfounded but she still gritted her teeth and said. "Correct! Dr. Jeon is right. I must nurture my spirit and show my sincerity to pursue Dr. Jeon!"

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