Carl glanced at the raven haired girl, who he had a crush on since the farm. He's too nervous to say anything and he doesn't know if she feels the same.

He wraps his arm around her shoulder, not seeing the tiny smile on Violet's face or the sad and jealous face of his brother.

"Vi, I got to tell you something-" Carl said, before getting cut off by someone screaming.

"Please! Let me in!"

Violet and Carl stood up with Max and Lee following, the youngest Grimes grabbed her wrist. "You and Max grab your stuff, take Judith and get out of here!"


"No, go!"

Violet and Max nodded before grabbing their backpack and rushing over to Judith. She picked up the baby as Max picked up the diaper bag before the pair ran into the rectory.

They made it to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked. She cursed, clutching Judith to her and ramming her body in the door. After she rammed it a couple of more times, the door finally swang out, revealing a small hole in the floor.

"Max, go." She told the boy, he climbed down the hole and army crawled through the hole.

Violet followed after, holding Judith as tighten as she could and protected her head. It was tight, but they managed to crawl through.

When they got to the end of the church, climbing out before running a little in the forest, but still visible to the church. They stopped at a tree and waited for the others.

Michonne and Carl tried pulling down the bored when Lee grabbed an ax.

"Get back." He called, before standing in front of the door. He swang at the wood until it broke in two before three of them grabbed the wood and pulled making the wood to come out of the doors. Carl pulled the door open and let Gabriel inside.

"Come on," Carl called.

Gabriel ran inside as walkers followed as Carl shot at them, Lee hit a few with his ax and Michonne chopped off their heads. Gabriel coward in fear as more walkers came in.

They all started backing up as a herd pushed their way in. Lee axed walkers left and right in anger before he stopped when he saw that there were too many to take on.

"The rectory. Come on." Gabriel said.

They all ran to the rectory room, Lee being the last one in. He slammed the door shut, breathing heavy. He and Michonne moved a desk in front of the door as walkers banged on it.

Anger bleed though Lee as she turned towards Gabriel. Michonne told Carl to crawl through the hole and wait for them. Lee walked over to Gabriel before punching him in the stomach.

"Lee!" Michonne said as the father double over holding his stomach.

"That was for putting my family in danger! What the hell were you thinking, dude? Running off on your own? You can't even protect yourself, let alone going off on your own. My dad let you stay, and this is how you repay him? By putting his children and Kelly's sister in danger?!"

Lee yelled, rage filled his face as he shook his head. He stormed passed Michonne and climbed into the hole, disappearing into it.

Michonne shook her head, letting go of the door making Gabriel to hold it. She climbed in the hole, stopping looking at the man.

"It's worth it. I'm not going anywhere until you're gone. Tell Lee, I'm sorry."

Michonne hesitated before disappearing into the hole. Once outside the church, the trio ran towards Violet and Max. Carl insistently grabbed Judith as Lee placed a hand on her tiny back as she looked at them.

The five walked back towards the church, Carl gave his brother their sister before him and Michonne ran up, closing the door of the church and taking out the last walkers outside.

They meet up with the trio standing at the fence and saw Gabriel leaned on the fence, a red hand mark imprinted on his face. Michonne leaned on the fence next to him and spoke.

"Where did you go?"

Gabriel glanced at the woman. "The school. I had to see. I had to know."

A loud bang from the church startled the group, the walkers hands reached out of the door. Carl took out his gun and stood next to Violet, who did the same. Lee had Judith in a baby carrier on his back, his hand gripping his gun.

"Where do we go?" Carl asked as they heard an engine.

They turned towards the sound and saw to see a fire truck drive through the trees and block the walker's entrance. The group piled out of the truck, Glenn was barreled into by Violet, who wrapped her arms around his waist, while his wife had arms full of Lee and Max.

"Eugene lied. He can't stop it. Washington isn't the end. Where is everybody?" Glenn asked, hugging Lee and Max as Maggie hugged Violet.

"Beth is alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta. Some people have her, the others went to get her back."

"Do we know which one?" Maggie asked.

Michonne smiled, holding Maggie's arms. "Glady Memorial."

Maggie laughs in relief before they all piled in the fire truck and headed towards Atlanta.

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