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          After the blackness of night, Earth's star rises on the horizon, spreading her gold in every direction. He stroked the ends of her ebony hair that sparkled under the copper hues of the rising sun.

          "It was never my intention to fall for you this deep but each time I visited, these feelings developed on their own," he paused, collecting his thoughts. "Your parents. . ."

          "Red," Agnes called, approaching from behind. "Are you perhaps still hung up on the deaths of Freya and Eric?"

          He didn't respond; only a low growl devoid of hope escaped his clenched throat. She took his silence as a response.

          "Go easy on yourself, it wasn't your fault."

          "Rich coming from you," he smirked, halfheartedly, remembering the days she used to beat him up the most about killing them. He rose from his seat and turned around to face her. "I won't deny the responsibility. It was by the hands of my men because of the war I commenced and I might've challenged them either way if they were alive."

          The look in her eyes showed so much pain and anger that she thought she managed to bury, as she reminisced her best friend. "Red, tell you what. Freya was a dear friend but it was me who turned her into a pureblood."

          He froze. He remembered his father, Lord Amon's exact words the night he first met the Rose family: only the purebloods that existed from before I was born, is blood. Page one section one. It wasn't just the halfbreed who made the Rose family stand out during the parties. They were also eyeing Freya, who was known to survive the bite of The Apple. "She was a half-blood?"

          She nodded. "I was willing to take the risk if it meant the possibility of her spending the rest of my lifetime by my side. And I'm telling you that she wouldn't blame you. Instead, she was the kind of person who would thank you for taking care of her daughter. Both her and Eric."

          "Hold on, that makes Raven purely halfblooded. Isn't that way more of a risky bet for her to survive through the process of the fucking millennium fruit?" he continued from his prior comment.

          "It makes it an absolute fifty-fifty, instead of a one-in-ten percent chance. Her mother survived the bite, so it might be genetic."

          His fingers gently brushed the strands of hair out of Raven's face as he blinked deep in thought, hopeful this time. Interlaced with the stench of death and broken by the screaming silence of glum, fragments of thought spun into a kaleidoscopic jumble, and shifted infinitesimally.

          Agnes observed him. "Your seemingly genuine concern for Raven is the reason why I'm able to tolerate you. I won't let her die. But if the extent of your love for her is you trying to redeem yourself from the guilt, you are—"

          He sent her a sharp glare that spread a heavy pressure throughout the entire room, a crack in the mirror behind her resulted from his radiating power.

          She raised her eyebrow and glared back, nonetheless satisfied by his reaction. "You're getting me a new mirror. Also, stop reading my thoughts. I didn't say that out loud just now."

          "Don't think, then."

          She sighed. "The sun's rising. Stay away from her for a while."

          "Don't order me around."

           Her brows crunched together from his unreasonable stubbornness, which she thought he got from his father. Logically, she stated, "I know I said you can't leave but basking under the sun for five days straight, even you can't handle that."

          "For someone who claims to hate me for years, you're awfully considerate," he snapped.

          "Hate is such a strong word. Witch's don't stress about the little things. We curse from behind."

two days later

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two days later

          As if a terrified soul has unleased a demon, a scream erupted, swathing the entire silence out of nowhere. It was like every atom in her was crying out in unison.

          The woman dashed into the room just as Raven's blood eyes made contact with hers. Her body jumped up from the bed to attack Agnes, baring her fully grown fangs in famishment. An unknown force pushed her back before she could touch her, as if an invisible barrier surrounded the witch. The puissance was immense, which sent her flying across the room and towards the window.

          "Where the fuck is that stupid boy?" she cursed under her breath. "Raven, can you hear me?"

          She hissed at her with wild, empty eyes before leaping out the window, thoughtlessly. The glass shattered from the collision as Agnes focused her energy on Raven, who was swift enough to slip out of her range.

          "Shit, Raven!"

          In that rush of the wind, she felt like a baby bird learning about gravity by falling. The single thought distracted her instincts from the physical realm by sending a pang of pain through the back of her head. Big bad birds like to bully the little ones like you, a timed voice rang in her mind just when her body hit the ground. The sudden impact of her bare feet with the pebbles, scratched the soles as her ankle move in a way they shouldn't, jangled. She let out a screeching noise before limping into the serene woods. Her senses were overwhelming in their density, coming from beneath where she was connected to the breathing Earth. The sweet jungle fragrance was almost cloying. The night-dwelling birds beat the air with those wings of tight skin and fled into the twilight. They rested within folded wings, her own cocoon of velvety dark, plausibly recognizing the newly awakened nobility.

          Smell had taken over as her primary sense. She no longer cared what people looked like, it was their aroma that counted. Even within the forest, she could detect the sugar levels of the living's blood and the subtle flavour hues unknown to science and the medical minds. Her bruised feet took her to a familiar alleyway, lured in by the homey scent of roses. Her bloodshot eyes scanned the area as she walked through a garden, blinded by her frustration of the unknown; like a dog chasing its own tail.

          "Who's there?" someone voiced from behind the bushes.

          A savory aroma filled her sensitive nose from the source of the sound. Her throat clenched in thirst at the thought of the ruby-coloured liquid. A figure gradually revealed himself from the shadows, his strawberry strands shining under the last rays of the setting sun.

          "Who are you?"

          Without a word, she pounced onto the man and marked the place she will be dining into with her tongue. He shuddered as she menacingly hovered her fully grown fangs above his exposed neck. A deep groan escaped his lips as she callously bit into his cold skin.


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