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          Waves of nausea clawed at her throat. She was lightheaded from the amount of blood she puked up. Sitting on top of Cross, who had his back against the headboard, she nibbled at her wrist as she felt her weakened body rejecting his flavor. It burst from her throat, almost choking her. Hot tears spilled from her eyes as futile whimpers for help in any way, escaped her dehydrated lips.

          "Raven," he called, grabbing her hand away from her mouth. "Why are you rejecting me?"

          She tried to focus on his blurry features. Worn out, she rested her head on his bloodstained shoulder and breathed, "I'm sorry, Cross. I think I'll sleep for a bit."

          "No, hey. Look at me. Let's just try one more time. You can suck me dry so please don't give up."

          "I can't," she cried in a soft whisper. "It's not yours my body wants right now."

          His heart fell.
Scott's a good man. He'd never hurt me.

          "Liar," he whispered with the color of the moon reflecting his glassy eyes. "You're hurting."

          He laid her still body under the sheets and disappeared.

          Serenity. Her room was excruciatingly silent. She could hear the pressure of the stillness ringing in her ears. For a second, she thought she was going to be alright. She felt at peace.

          A man appeared from the shadows with another figure grabbed by the neck. The captive scratched at the firm fingers around his neck with no avail as he gaped for air. The scent of roses suddenly filled the room, alerting her senses. Cross threw him to the wall with much force that he was too fixed on regaining his breath, to notice his bleeding head.

          An agonizing scream echoed throughout the tensional space; the kind that made their blood run cold. Raven's crimson eyes hollowed from having him in the room witnessing her bloody mess. Cross took a step towards her, clearly fighting with herself to hold back from the sweet smell emanating from the hit.
"Cross, take him back."


          "Why'd you bring him here?" she asked, eyes filled with sense of suppressed pain and betrayal.

          "Humans are weak. They always seek for something to worship, whether it's a god, a king or a bloodsucking beast. And that's because they lack the power to do anything for themselves," he continued. "I don't care what happens to a mere mortal as long as you stop hurting."

          "CROSS!" she cried in disbelief.

          "Raven?" Scott called once he got back on his feet, still leaning against the wall for support.

          "Don't," she stopped, crouching impossibly further back. "Stay away from me."

          "Rave-" he takes another baby step.

          "Scott, I'm dead serious," she swallowed.
          His name rolled out of her tongue, naturally.

          He scoffed. "Now that you're reunited with the love of your life, you don't need a hand from an old friend anymore?"

          "That's right. I'll be honest with you. You're a bother now," she deadpanned, balling her hands into a fist. "So just fucking leave already!"

          He laughed, lightheaded, shifting his gaze on the man who had his whole attention on her every move. "Alright, give me a minute though. I feel a little. . . dizzy."

          She unintentionally allowed her bloodlust to leak out, almost taking over her if she didn't exert every single one of her veins to hold it back. The next thing she knows, she's pinning him to the wall, licking the soft skin of his neck. This nostalgic scent. . . She regained consciousness just as she snaked her arm around his neck and bared her teeth to dine in.

This must be how Cross feels everytime he does something to apologize for.

          "Sky," he whispered.

          She used to believe that behind his smile, his glacier eyes were ice cold; that they knew no warmth and never shared genuine love. But only now she realizes, the hottest fire always burn blue.

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