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          "I'm an aficionado of visiting gardens out-of-season. The charms of winter-scented flowers and shrubs are sights you can never experience during any other time of the year," Scott said, touring her around his mother's garden.

          "What's your favorite?"

          He smiled, picking a white flower covered in frost and handing it to her. "Helleborus niger," he and a middle-aged woman voiced, simultaneously. "Also known as a Christmas rose."

          She accepted the flower and playfully bowed at his kind action, guessing that the enchanting woman had to be his mother. She bowed before the enchantress, momentarily realizing that she was the Queen of Glacia.

          "Oh, dear. Scott told me so much about you, please. Raise your head." Kindness flowed out of her every word and actions. She was a modest woman in her late thirties, a glimmering flower form pinned on her hair with a matching pair of earrings dangling from her earlobes.

          Raven felt a sudden twinge on the left side of her head, a split image of a little girl with raven black hair that reached her thighs, alongside the back figure of a little boy appeared out of nowhere. In a blink of an eye, they vanished from her sight, leaving her lost within her own mind. She thought she'd seen the flower somewhere before.

          "Rave, is something the matter?"

          "Scott," she said, lifting her head from her palm. "I just feel lightheaded, that's all."

          "Let's get you back inside. Prince Cross will put me to my deathbed if you caught a cold," he joked. "Come on."

          Prince Cross. She inhaled deeply and shuddered from the icy breeze swarming her nostrils, when she felt her mind excruciatingly rip into two pieces as she took a step towards Scott. She could feel her heartbeat in her head, echoing in her ears. The great pressure she felt against her hot-blooded chest disappeared altogether when Scott place a hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to reality.

          "Seriously, what's gotten into you?"

          Looking into his eyes she could hear the waves falling against the shore, see the foam flying into the air. Next thing she knows, she's falling into the abyss of myriad shades of blue swirled together to form a whirlpool of his panoramic orbs. "I'm fine now, let's head back in."

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