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In most fairytales, the prince falls in love with a pauper and somehow gets away with it, taming their happily ever afters. But this one involves bloodsucking beasts far more venturesome than the wolf in Red Riding Hood or the witch from Hansel and Gretel. And they're known as vampires.

          "Happy sixth birthday, baby girl

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          "Happy sixth birthday, baby girl."

          "Thank you, Papa!" little Raven jumps into her dad's arms on a winter night of her birthday after blowing out all the six candles injected onto her cake.

          "Happiest birthday to my dearest princess."

          She squealed with vigorous enthusiasm when she witnessed the person she wished to see the most—her knight, Cross Red. Since he only seldom visited, Raven grew eagerer to see him each year.

          "You're here!" she dashed to their doorstep as fast as she could, tripping over the crack on the wooden floor as she fell into his arms. The sharp edges of the wood lacerated her foot, a tear streaming down her cheeks incontinently. The sweet, pungent smell of blood that oozed out of her flesh filled Cross' sensitive nose but he knew better than to surrender to his rising thirst and desire.

          "Cross." Cross shot his friend, Raven's foster father, an intimidating glower radiating with supremacy, telling him that he didn't need to be told to stop; despite his avidness seeping through his eyes.

          "Careful, Raven. Shh, don't cry. Does it hurt that bad?" She sniffles, nodding at him. Then, he grabs her foot and brings it up to his face as he took a deep sniff of the fresh cut to calm the beast inside of him. "Here, let's take the pain away."

          Raven caught a glimpse of his glowing red orbs, the pain slowly beginning to subside, before her dad taped a bandage over it.

          "That was fascinating, Cross," she rested her tiny hand on his arm, earning a solacing smile that warmed her heart so. "How'd you do that?"

          He smiled in response. "How was your day, princess?"

          "Exhausting. I've been waiting for you all day! What took you so long?" He chortles at her pouting face as she sighed, "It's okay, you're here now so it doesn't matter."

          "A prince has prince duties to take care of, Raven," he spoke with such serenity written all over his face and voice, not once looking away from her as he brushed strands of hair away from her face.

          "Can you quit being a prince?"

          "Do you want me to?"

          She nodded, solicitously.

          "Since Raven wishes for it so badly, maybe I will."

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