Chapter 39

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They spend the rest of the week enjoying each other, and relaxing. For once, they both looked like they had some color from laying out on the beach.
They're on their flight home and couldn't be more in love with each other. Pretty soon Y/N wakes up nauseous. She gets up and runs to the restroom, and barely makes it. She starts throwing up. Yoongi wakes up and sees she's not in her seat, so he sits up. Then he sees her coming out of the bathroom, pale as a ghost.

Yoongi: Baby what's wrong? Are you ok?
Y/N: I don't know. I just woke up super nauseous. Maybe something I ate earlier, I don't know. Can you ask the stewardess for a 7up or ginger ale please.? Oh and some saltines.
Yoongi: Yeah let me go get it ok. Just lay down.

Y/N lays her seat a little bit back and not all the way so she doesn't get sick again, and dozes off. Yoongi comes back with a couple of 7ups and ginger ales, and saltines.

Yoongi: Baby! Wake up, drink some of this 7up.

Y/N opens her eyes a bit, and sits up. She's burning up with a fever. The stewardess walks by and she asks her for Tylenol or something for a fever. She says yes and goes and gets it for her. Yoongi starts to get worried, and asks Y/N what she wants him to do.

Y/N: Don't leave me please. Stay here, hold my hand.
Yoongi: Of course!! I'm right here ok. ::he grabs her hand::

Y/N starts feeling dizzy again, and runs to the restroom. Again she throws up. She takes off her shirt and is in her tank top and sweats. Her cheeks are a bit red, she sure does have a fever. She washes her face, and rinses her mouth with mouthwash. When she comes out, Yoongi is standing right outside the door.

Yoongi: Did you throw up again?
Y/N nods: I think I might have gotten food poisoning from what I ate at the airport. I just need to lay down babe, I feel so tired.
Yoongi: You want me to carry you?
Y/N chuckles: No baby it's ok. Just help me to my seat.

Yoongi grabs her by the waist and walks her to their seats. She sits and lays down. There's an ice pack, Tylenol, tons of water and 7up. Y/N grabs a ice water bottle and downs it. She grabs another one and take 2 Tylenol's and tries to get comfortable. There happens to be a doctor on their airplane, so he comes to check on her. Takes her temperature and she's at 103.5. He starts asking her a bunch of questions, and they both agree she might have food poisoning. So she just has to keep her fever down, and have her body get rid of whatever's causing this. She ends up falling asleep and they only have 3 hours left until they land in Seoul. Yoongi wasn't able to fall asleep again, so he just got out his notebook he always carries with him and starts writing while keeping an eye on his bride. 15 minutes until they land and Yoongi starts waking up Y/N with kisses. Her fever has gone away. She starts waking up and sits up carefully.

Y/N: Are we home?
Yoongi: Almost. We're landing in about 15 min.

The doctor comes back to check on her one more time.

Doctor: Mrs. Min try to make an appointment as soon as you get home so they can check you ok.
Y/N: I will. Thank you so much for all your help.
Yoongi: Yes! Thank you very much Doctor.

He walks away and Y/N puts on a long sleeve shirt. She didn't want to put her hoodie on in case her fever were to come back. It's cold in Seoul.

Yoongi: Seok-woo is waiting for us ok. We just have to get our luggage.
Y/N: I know. My stomach is still a little queasy, don't let go of me k.
Yoongi: I won't babe. Don't worry.

They start walking to get their luggage. They see Seok and he notices Y/N doesn't look so well. He jogs towards them

Seok: Mr. Min, Mrs. Min...are you ok? Do you need me to take you to the doctors?
Y/N: Hey buddy. No. I just want to go home. Babe is there anyway the doctor can come to our house? I am exhausted.
Yoongi: Yes of course!! I'll have Kyong call and have your doctor come.
Y/N: No don't call him, have Lisa do it.
Yoongi: Ok I'll text her.

They start walking towards the car and they get in. Yoongi's holding Y/N the whole time, he will not leave her side, and they're on their way home.
They finally get home and Seok opens the door for them. Yoongi gets out and helps Y/N. Everyone is at the door waiting for them to enter the house.

Joon: Welcome hoo-.....Y/N???
Leilah: Mommy!!! Are you ok? What's wrong!??
Jin: Omg Noona are you ok!???
Yoongi: We think she has food poisoning. So we need to call the doctor to come.
Lisa: Hey doll! ::hugs Y/N:: I already called him and he said he'll be here in about an hour.

She hugs everyone, and then she goes upstairs to her room to take a shower. Yoongi takes their luggage upstairs, then asks Minji to wash all their clothes when she gets a chance. He hands out all the gifts they bought for every one, and they love them.

Joon: Yoongi, I thought you should know. But Tae was released from rehab and he's staying at his parents house. I guess this time it really helped him.
Yoongi: He's better huh? I'll have to see that to believe it. Look what happened last time! He laid hands on my wife and fractured her face Namjoon!!
Joon: I know. We all know. You and Jk kicked his ass remember?
Yoongi: And I'll do it again.
Joon: I know you will. We all feel the same way. But he's our brother, and we have to help him get better. Even after what he did, Y/N wants him to get better too.
Yoongi: She has too big of a heart. He doesn't deserve anything from her.
Jk: We know. But Namjoon is right. We have to try.

Y/N over hears them talking, and she gets the shivers. She gets into sweat shorts and a tank top, and lays down. She calls for Minji..

Y/N: Minji!!
Minji: Yes Mrs. Min. Welcome home!!
Y/N: Hey lovey! Thank you. Do you think you would be able to make me some chicken noodles or ramen with a lot of lemon. Chicken flavor for the ramen please, and a big jug of an ice cold coke. I'm hungry, and I hope this settles my stomach.
Minji: Of course Mrs. Min.
Y/N: Minji! Call me Y/N. Lol
Minji: Ok...Mrs. Y/N. ::bows::

Y/N laughs and Minji goes to the kitchen to make her her dinner. Doctor Lee finally arrives and Yoongi takes him to their room where Y/N is laying down.

Dr. Lee: Good evening Mrs. Min. How was your honeymoon?
Y/N: Hi Dr. Lee. It was amazing and beautiful. Except when I got sick on the air plane ride home.
Dr. Lee: Ok let's check and see what's going on.

Joon knocks at the door and let's Yoongi know Bang PD wants to have a quick meeting over the phone. He excuses himself and they all go to Yoongi's studio. While that's going on, Dr. Lee is doing vitals and everything on Y/N. He asks what was the last thing she ate, and she told him.

Dr. Lee: Ok. It does kind of sound like food poisoning. How high was your fever?
Y/N: 103.5. About 5 1/2 hours ago.
Dr. Lee: and it hasn't came back correct?
Y/N: No.
Dr. Lee: Ok. So your vitals are good. Seems like you broke your fever. Still nauseous?
Y/N: A little bit.
Dr. Lee: When was the first day of your last period?
Y/N: Uhhmm....I...I think almost 2 months ago. I don't remember.
Dr. Lee: Ok, so let's go ahead and take a pregnancy test just to make sure. So I can give you the right medication in case you did catch a bug ok.
Y/N: Ok.

She takes the pregnancy test and goes to the rest room. She thinks nothing of it and pees on the stick. She puts it down, cleans herself then washes her hands. When she picks up the's positive. ++

Y/N: WTF???? 😳 what??

Dr. Lee goes to the bathroom door and asks if she's ok. Y/N comes out with the pregnancy test and shows it to him.

Y/N: Is this correct?? Or am I seeing double?
Dr. Lee: Oh ok. Yep, it's positive. Congratulations Mrs. Min! I had a feeling this was probably it. So now I know exactly what to do, and what I can give you.

Y/N is in complete shock. She hears the doctor but isn't listening.

Y/N: Holy f*ck!

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