Chapter 17

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Yoongi grabs her hands and asks why she's blushing. She shrugs and just says that he was amazing. They lay side to side facing each other, just looking at one another. The moonlight is shining through her windows and can see that he can't smiling.

Y/N: What are you smiling about?
Yoongi: You
Y/N: me? What about me?
Yoongi: how amazing and beautiful you are.

She bury's her face in his chest and he chuckles.

Yoongi: don't blush. It's true.
Y/N: ::still blushing:: ok.
Yoongi: we have about 3 hours left before we have to get up. Did you want to go to sleep? Or round 3?

They both started laughing and agreed to go to sleep instead because they had a long day ahead of them.

Morning comes and Yoongi's alarm goes off. Y/N wakes up and turns it off. She gets up and goes to her bathroom to start the shower. She gets in, and about 5 minutes later he comes in and joins her. They fool around a bit, but manage to actually shower. They get out and start getting dressed. Y/N opens the door to go wake up all the girls. They start waking up, and start getting ready as well. Y/N is the one keeping time making sure everyone is good. She makes coffee and takes a cup to Yoongi. They kiss and he tells her thank you for the coffee. His phone rings and it's the car that is there to take them to the airport. Yoongi goes and lets everyone know the car is there. They grab their bags and start heading out the door.

Daisy: Mom! You have our passports right?
Y/N: Yes baby. I have them in my purse. You have all your chargers and all that good stuff? Lisa and you guys have everything you need?

They all nod and are excited. Yoongi looks over at Y/N and sees her purse.

Yoongi: What kind of purse is that?
Y/N: Kucci
Yoongi: Lol what??
Y/N: lol it's a Gucci knock off babe.
Yoongi: Omg lol

They get in the car and are on their way to the airport. Yoongi starts to notice Y/N starts getting quiet. They're holding hands the whole time, then he looks at the girls and they're posting on their social media and taking selfies that they're going on vacation. They finally get to LAX, and Y/N really starts getting nervous. She goes in her purse to get her anxiety meds. She grabs her bottle of water and takes one. Yoongi hands them all face masks, and tells them to put their sunglasses on. The girls look at him confused, and he starts instructing them what they will be doing. He points to the window and tells them to outside and they see a ton of paparazzi and Armys surrounding the departure area. They completely forgot that their future step dad is an idol, and the girls have so much love for him and the rest of the guys. Everyone puts their masks on, sunglasses on, and right before they get out of the car, Yoongi tells Lisa and Liz to hold the girls hands and not let go, then tells Y/N that he has her and not to worry. To just keep walking and stay within the body guards and everyone will be ok. They're about to get out of the car when Joon, Jin and the rest of the boys come to their car. Yoongi and all the girls come out and the crowd goes wild. Yoongi is holding Y/N's hand, and Liz and Lisa have Y/N's girls. The boys end up surrounding all the girls, then the body guards surround the boys. And start heading inside the airport to check in. Yoongi was not ready to share his future family with the world, so he told the girls while walking to look down so they don't get a clear picture of them. Y/N did the same. But Yoongi would block her the best he could. Army's were yelling and screaming the boys names, while they just give a little smile and wave. They were used to the crowds, Y/N and her family wasn't. But they successfully got through the crowd and were able to check in for their flights. While they were waiting Y/N was in Awe of how much love and respect Army's were giving. They would yell out and ask who those mystery girls were. But they would just keep walking and not answer of course. Y/N's girls were excited and nervous. But Jimin and Hobi never left their side. So whatever questions they had, they would ask the boys. Joon and Jin took off to get some breakfast or food for all of them since they were all hungry. 15 minutes later they come back. Everyone's backs were facing all the cameras so they didn't have to worry about revealing themselves. Y/N didn't know how to react, she wasn't sure if she could hold her fiancé's hand or what. When she reaches out, he immediately held her hand.

Yoongi: How're you doing? You ok?
Y/N: Yeah. Just overwhelmed. But in a good way. I'm so proud of you guys. You've worked so hard, now look at you guys. No wonder your Armys are so loyal, and they love you guys so much. Just like I love you. 😊

Yoongi leans over and gives her a kiss and the crowd goes ape shit!! Yoongi starts chuckling and he raises her left hand and shows them your ring and yells..

Yoongi: SHE SAID YES!!

Armys goes crazy screaming asking for a picture of both of you. Y/N is just shocked that he just yelled it out like that.

Y/N: Baby I thought you said we were going to wait until we got to Korea?
Yoongi: I couldn't hold it in. I'm sorry lol
Y/N: No don't be. It's ok. I just don't want Armys to be upset with you or me.
Yoongi: They won't.

They finish eating their food and they announce that their flight is ready to board. Yoongi checks with Y/N to see if she ok, and if she needs to take her anxiety meds. Y/N says she's feeling pretty good, and all 12 of them board the plane, and are on their way to S. Korea.

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