Chapter 19

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They finish eating lunch, and so do the rest of the boys. Y/N tries to start cleaning up, and Jin gets up and tells her to go lay down on the couch and relax. The boys are used to traveling, and she isn't. So he was trying to make it easy for her. Yoongi agreed with Jin, and he takes her to the living room.

Daisy: Mom! How can you be tired! We have to go sight seeing come on.
Y/N: We can do that tomorrow baby. I'm so freakin tired man lol come on.
Leilah: Daisy, we're moving here remember? We don't have to do everything today.
Daisy: Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot. Well in that case...

She ends up hanging her hoodie and beanie on the coat rack at the entrance, and goes a sits next to her mom.

Y/N: Babe where are the blankets at?
Yoongi: Oh, let me get them for you.
Y/N: I'll follow you so I know where everything is at.

Yoongi had to get ready because they had a meeting with Bang PD in about an hour. Y/N grabbed a bunch of blankets and decided to camp out in the living room and watch movies. She wanted to ask when they were going to meet Holly, but she decided to wait. When Yoongi came out of his room he couldn't help but smile. Seeing his future family vegging out in front of the tv. He lets Y/N know that he's leaving, and her girls get up and give him a hug.

Leilah: You're coming back right?
Yoongi: Yeah of course! We just have a meeting is all.
Daisy: Oh ok.

Yoongi turns and looks over at Y/N, and she's just smiling. Viktoria gets up all lazily and goes and puts her head against Yoongi's chest.

Viktoria: Are you gonna take long?
Yoongi: ::chuckles:: Uh I don't think so. Why?
Viktoria: Just asking. Now that we have a dad, we just want to know when you'll be home 😊

Y/N's eyes start watering, and she just smiles. She figured out that her girls have fully accepted Yoongi into their lives and are already considering him as their soon to be dad. Yoongi hugs her back and tells them he'll be back. He just has to go to work. Y/N walks him to the door and he smiles.

Yoongi: I take it I'm in?
Y/N: Looks like it. ::kisses and hugs Yoongi:: don't take too long! 😉
Yoongi: I won't. I love you.
Y/N: I love you too.

Yoongi calls the guys that were still playing on his PS4. They come running down the hallway, and give Y/N a big hug, put their shoes on and leave with Yoongi. Y/N goes back and lays down with the girls. They couldn't decide on a movie, so they decided to play music and then be on their phones for a while. One by one they start falling asleep. It's around 7 when it starts getting dark, and all of a sudden she hears Yoongi come in pissed off talking to Joon and Jin. This wakes up Y/N immediately and she gets up to see what's wrong. Yoongi forgot for a minute that Y/N and the girls were there.

Yoongi: Omg baby I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up or scare you.
Y/N: Yoongi what's wrong?
Joon: Bang PD is upset that he announced your engagement at the airport without letting him know.
Y/N: oh no. Does that...
Yoongi: No. Don't worry. It's fine Y/N.

She turns to look at Jin and Joon. And they have a stressed look on their faces. Yoongi kisses Y/N and goes to the room to change.

Y/N: You guys what happened? ::whispering::
Joon: Well. when we walked into the office Bang immediately brings up the news about your guys engagement. I guess Yoongi didn't tell anyone what he was going to do, and that upset bang Pd.
Y/N: What did a Yoongi say?
Jin: That it's no one's business what he does. And that he didn't want to tell anyone that he was going to propose because someone always tries to put their 2 cents in...
Joon & Jin: Like Taehyung.
Y/N: Taehyung? What did he have to say?
Joon: It doesn't really matter but...
Y/N: Well it matters to me. I never brought it up before, but now that me and Yoongi are official, I want to know what's his deal. I've never disrespected him in anyway.
Jin: It's really not against you, it's just that he got engaged 6 months ago with an Army similar to you and Yoongi, but his relationship didn't go so well.

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