Chapter 13

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Morning comes and Yoongi wakes up alone in bed. He gets up to go to the bathroom and to brush his teeth. Pretty soon he starts hearing laughter and screaming. He starts walking down the hallway and hears the girls running and screaming.

Leilah: Mom!! Lmao I swear it was not our idea!! Lol
Y/N: Then who did it?? Which one of you assholes put the porn channel on my tv and turned up the volume? Lol
Lisa: For once it was not me!
Y/N: I'm sure as shit it was you! Lol assholes!!! We got home late last night and Yoongi was the one to turn the tv on and saw nothing but big ass tits on the big screen!! Wtf?

All the girls start busting up, and Y/N starts chasing all of them with a spatula. Yoongi walks into the living room while all this chaos is going on. All of a sudden the girls run and hide behind him.

Daisy: YOONGI! Yoongi!! Help. Tell my mom we didn't put on the nasty channel on her tv! Lol

Yoongi can't help but laugh. But hides Daisy and Leilah.

Yoongi: Babe the girls didn't do it lol right?
Girls: No we didn't lol
Y/N: Then why are you laughing? Lol you guys probably didn't, but you know who did. Get over here!

Y/N tries to go behind Yoongi to get to the girls, and he just grabs her by the waist and is laughing at the same time. Y/N just gives up and starts laughing.

Y/N: You guys that was so embarrassing. Lol the neighbors probably think we're making porn videos.

Lisa and Liz can't stop laughing.

Lisa: I think I have a pretty good idea who did it. ::points to Viktoria::
Y/N: Lol what? Viktoria! Did you do that to my tv??

Viktoria was eating cereal at the table while watching her mom chase her sisters. But kept quiet the whole time. She can no longer hold her laugh in and starts busting up.

Viktoria: Hahahahaha ok ok. It was me. Mom I'm so sorry. But I thought it would be funny.
Y/N: Are you serious right now? Lol I would have never thought it was you. Omg lol how did you know about that channel??
Viktoria: Lisa watches late at night. Lmao

Everyone starts laughing and start making fun of her.

Lisa: Why you gotta throw me under the bus like that?!
Y/N: I told you not to watch it when the girls were  home lol they're sneaky.
Lisa: Yeah Yeah. Lol

Now that the joking around stopped Y/N went to the kitchen to start making breakfast. She asked for Daisy and Leilah to set up the table, while she was cooking.

Y/N: Daisy make sure you get the coffee cups and regular cups out. The coffee is almost done, can you put the OJ on the table too Please.

Everyone sits down to eat breakfast, and have a good conversation. Y/N forgot it was Sunday and not Monday. So that meant that she would get to spend the whole day with her girls and Yoongi. Which meant being couch potatoes and having a movie marathon. But instead of having it in her room, they went to the living room. Y/N invited Lisa and Elizabeth to join them, but they decided to go out and go shopping. They left and the lazy Sunday started. Y/N ended up falling asleep in the middle of one of the horror movies they were watching. Yoongi noticed and covered her but didn't let go of her hand. He realized it was almost lunch time and asked the girls if they were hungry. They all said yes so he quietly got up and told the girls to get ready so they can go get something to eat. Yoongi remembers he doesn't have his car and Daisy said that they can take her mom's car. So Yoongi decides to leave her a note in case she wakes up. Daisy hands the car keys to Yoongi and they leave. About an hour passes by and Y/N wakes up because the house is silent. The movie ended so it's quiet. She gets up and sees that Yoongi's gone and so are the girls. She goes to get her phone and sees the note Yoongi left her.

Brought the girls with me to get something to eat. Be back soon with lunch.

I love you,

She calms down, and texts Yoongi where they're at. Daisy responds saying they're on their way home already. So that eases her nerves a bit more. She goes to the bathroom to wash her face. When she comes back out, Yoongi and the girls were home. They're at the table separating the food.

Yoongi: The girls wanted steak, so we went to Outback and ordered. ::walks over to Y/N and gives her a kiss:: Did you have a nice nap?
Y/N: Yeah. I didn't think I was that tired. I'm sorry.
Yoongi: It's ok. Don't be.

Pretty soon they start eating and Lisa and Elizabeth get home from shopping.

Elizabeth: Y/N!! Omg look what I found for Leilah's quinceñera!!

Elizabeth was pregnant at the time and was going to be one of Leilah's godmothers in her sweet 15 celebration also known as a Quinceñera.

Y/N: Oh yay!!! You finally found a dress! How exciting!!
Liz: Yes, finally!!! Ugh being pregnant sucks because nothing fits me right now. Lol
Lisa: We went to like 50 million stores, but she finally decided on this dress.
Y/N: Well at least you got this out of the way now. We just have to concentrate on the decorations and the food.

Yoongi and the girls keep eating while Y/N, Lisa, and Liz keep talking. But then he stops and listens. And is curious to what they're talking about.

Yoongi: Daisy, what's a quince.....? Sorry I can't pronounce it lol
Daisy: Quinceñera? It's a big party celebration when your daughter turns 15. It's kind of like a mini wedding. My mom has been planning Leilah's for almost a year. Her birthday was a couple of day's ago, and she decided to have it in September. So they're planing the last of the details.
Yoongi: Mini wedding? Wow. So do you know how much your mom has spent by any chance?
Daisy: ::shakes her head:: she won't tell us anything. All she said was for us to fit in our dresses and pick our hair do's and that's it.
Viktoria: She's been working so hard and doing over time so she can pay for both of their parties.

Yoongi turns to Leilah and is a bit confused.

Yoongi: So it's your party then who else?
Leilah: Daisy's sweet 16.
Yoongi: So are you wearing like a big dress and everything? Both of you?
Girls: Yeah.
Yoongi: WOW. Ok. I get it, a little bit. Ha.

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