Chapter 9

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Yoongi goes back to Y/N's room with both plates, and he asked Lisa if she can help with the drinks. They both walk into the room and Y/N's asleep.

Lisa: Y/N DON'T FALL!!! Lol

Y/N wakes up startled.

Y/N: Asshole you scared me! 🥱
Lisa: Well Yoongi has your dinner and you need to eat. Didn't want you to miss it.
Yoongi: Do you still want to eat?

Y/N nods, and takes the plate. Yoongi goes and sits down next to her, and they both start eating. Lisa hands both of them their drinks and leaves.

Yoongi: ::looks over and kisses her:: you doing ok?
Y/N: Yeah I just knocked out. Didn't realize I was so tired. But the food is good thank you. ::leans over and kisses him::

They keep watching tv, and finish eating. She tries to get up but Yoongi does and takes the dishes to the kitchen. By this time it was pretty late. She gets up to go to the restroom. Brushes her teeth and adjusts her messy bun. The bra goes off and goes back to bed. Yoongi is back in the room by this time, and she hops on.

Y/N: I can't believe it's already 11:30.
::she was kind of sad because this meant Yoongi would be leaving soon::
Yoongi: Yeah. It's fine, I have tomorrow off. Did you want me to stay still?
Y/N: yes
Yoongi: Ok.

They both smiled, and she was excited because he wasn't going to leave. They both get under the covers and she lays on his chest. And he just holds her. Pretty soon both of them are sound asleep.
Morning comes and Yoongi's phone is ringing off the hook. Y/N wakes up and freaks out.

Y/N: Yoongi! Omg we fell asleep. Your phone is ringing.

Yoongi just grunts and tells her to just let it ring and pulls her back down to him.

Y/N: Honey your phone won't stop ringing. And it's loud lol
Yoongi: ::grunts, and picks up his phone:: what??

She hears that the voice on the phone is a guy but doesn't ask who it is. Instead she gets up to go to the restroom. Washes her face, brushes her teeth, and does her hair. Puts her bra back on. She notices that her ankle is slowly going down, and her medications are working. She manages to wrap her ankle and put her slippers on. Starts limping outside of her bathroom while Yoongi's still on the phone. She smiles at him and keeps walking. Yoongi sounds irritated speaking in his language, so she walks to the kitchen to start the pot of coffee. The girls are in the living room watching tv, while Lisa and Liz try to decide what to make for breakfast.

Lisa: Why hello there you sexy bitch you! 😉
Y/N: lol Morning
Lisa: So.....anything interesting happen last night? 🤨
Y/N: Uh no. Because a loud ass big mouth decided to be pornographic with my 15 year old and that kind of killed it. Lol jack ass!!!
Liz: Hahahahahahaha I told you they heard you!
Lisa: I was just trying to help you! Exqueeze me sister! ☝🏻

All 3 ladies start busting up, while Yoongi walks into the kitchen.

Yoongi: What's so funny ladies? Good morning
Liz and Lisa: 😧
Y/N's girls: Yoongi!!! You spent the night? 😀
Yoongi: Yeah. I was taking care of your mom and we fell asleep. I hope you guys aren't mad.
Daisy: No not at all lol ::smirks::
Y/N: Stop it Daisy. Don't start.
Leilah: Lol so did you sleep under the covers? With your clothes on?!
Y/N: LEILAH!!! Omg 🤦🏻‍♀️
Yoongi: Lol yeah I had my clothes on. But your mom wanted to rip them off of me. I was scared for a minute
Y/N: 😦 what? Lol no I didn't don't lie!
Lisa: YEEEAH THATS RIGHT! Take them pants off Y/N. Did you do it with your mouth? 😆
Y/N: LISA!!! Wtf is wrong with you guys? Omg. Lol ::she hides her face in her hands::

Everyone can't stop laughing. Yoongi goes over and hugs Y/N and kisses her on the head.

Viktoria: You guys are gross! Stop talking about mommy like that.

She seems to be the only one that still is not accepting Yoongi coming into their lives. She's the most over protective of her mom. But she is willing to give him a chance. She sees that her mom is actually happy and smiling. So that makes Viktoria happy as well.

Y/N: What do you guys want to eat?
Leilah: French toast!
Everyone else: Yeah that's fine.
Yoongi: I actually have to go. We, Namjoon and Hoseok have to go by the studio to finish some stuff up. So I need to go home and change. But are you doing anything tonight?

Y/N starts walking Yoongi to the front door.

Y/N: Um no not that I know of. It's Saturday so it's wherever the day takes us. Why what's up?
Yoongi: The guys want to meet you. Lol
Y/N: What? Why? ::nervous::
Yoongi: Because we've been hanging out almost every day for the last week and a half. And they want to finally meet my mystery woman.

Y/N nervously chuckles and didn't realize it's been almost 2 weeks since they've met.

Y/N: What have you been telling them? Or what have they been asking you?
Yoongi: Well Namjoon tells them you're my girlfriend, and Hoseok has my back with whatever I say. JK, Jimin, and Seokjin are really anxious to meet you. And Taehyung...well he's going through a hard time right now, so he's been keeping to himself.
Y/N: And what did you say when Namjoon told them that...I'm your girlfriend?
Yoongi: I nodded, didn't deny it.

Y/N's stomach dropped and couldn't believe what he just said.

Y/N: You said I was your girlfriend? ☺️
Yoongi: Well I was hoping to ask you last night but we fell asleep. I mean after what almost happened last night, you don't feel like we have this deep connection? I've never felt this way about anyone before. Or am I just crazy and imagining it?
Y/N: No you're not.
Yoongi: Y/N I want to make it official between you and I. I'm not the type that plays games, I'm not into that cheating crap, and I love you and your girls. I just want to be with you.

Y/N looks up at him with teary eyes, and realized this wasn't just a fling.

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