Chapter 37

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Their wedding in America was amazing. It was a dream come true for the both of them. They would be flying to S. Korea mid week so they can be there and be ready for their Korean wedding. Y/N's family was excited because they've never been to Korea. Everyone was packed and ready to go. Eomma was actually nice towards Y/N's mom and family. She wasn't bitchy or rude.
They arrive to Seoul and pick up all their luggage. Y/N had her wedding dress dry cleaned and shipped to their home. But she was excited to wear her Hanbok, then she will wear her Western-style wedding dress. Yoongi just wanted their wedding day to be here already because he wanted to go on their honeymoon to Fiji, and spend a whole week alone.
Yoongi's parents were excited to show their country to Y/N's family. Appa was just excited in general that their family was going to expand, and secretly hoping for a grandson/granddaughter in the near future.

Wedding day was finally here, and Y/N couldn't be more excited. Her sisters helped her get dressed. First her and Yoongi were to wear the traditional wedding clothes, then change into their other wedding attire. Eomma came in the dressing room and helped Y/N put on her Hanbok, and she couldn't believe how beautiful Y/N looked. She had picked the perfect gown. Eomma approved, but did not let her know. She just smiled and then left.
The ceremony started and Yoongi was nothing but smiles. He couldn't believe how perfect Y/N looked walking up the aisle. Her and Yoongi were practically the same skin tone, except she had freckles. Which he loved of course. They went through the ceremony with a translator for Y/N's side of the family, and for her since she wasn't completely fluent in Korean yet. After the ceremony, they took pictures, then they had to go change into their other wedding attire. Yoongi thought it would be the same dress, but it wasn't. It took him by surprise again, and was all smiles.

Yoongi: You look so beautiful.
Y/N: Thank you!! I absolutely loved my Hanbok. I could've stayed in that all night. Lol
Yoongi: Did you and Eomma pick them?
Y/N: Not really. I did. For the both of us.
Yoongi: No wonder I loved it. Lol

While they were talking they were having their first dance as a married couple, the speeches started again. Aside from Geum-Jae, and Linda speaking....Yoongi thought he was going to speak again, and didn't mind. But Y/N stood up this time, and she was terrified of speaking in front of big crowds, but didn't care this time.

Y/N: ::Namjoon translating in Korean::
Hi. First, I want to thank every one for coming to our wedding. You guys have made it truly special. Appa and Eomma Min, I cant thank you enough. Thank you for bringing this beautiful soul into this world, for raising him to be such a beautiful and respectful human being. Everything he is, is because of you. Yoongi and I met 2 years ago and fell in love with each other the first day we met, but didn't know. I couldn't of asked for a better husband, best friend, partner in crime in my life...our life! My girls included. No one really knows this, but I was kind of holding back from saying yes to dating Yoongi, not only because of our age difference but because I already had 3 children. But he proved to me that when the right person/partner comes into your life they will accept you with what you have no matter what. ::Y/N getting emotional:: Yoongi...I love you so much. I know I've already said this, but it's true. You are my everything! And I can't wait to grow old with you!! Thank you.

Y/N had her guests crying and sniffing, and they finally applauded. Yoongi didn't hold back and went up to her and kissed her passionately. Everyone cheered and the newlyweds hugged. The music started playing again, and by this time it was going to be around 9:30-10pm. Their flight was in the morning so they didn't have to worry about being late to the airport. Y/N cleaned her face, and touched up her make up. She even had the boy's crying as well. Bang PD was seen sniffling too. He was so happy for Yoongi and Y/N. One of the boys finally met someone and got married. He couldn't wait for the other 6. Hoping Taehyung would mentally and physically get better. Not a day goes by that the guys don't think about Tae.
It was starting to get late for the newlyweds and started saying their goodbyes. They couldn't wait to get to their honeymoon suite Bang PD gifted them. The limo took them to the hotel and they were escorted to the penthouse. But this time it's only them 2, with no interruptions.

Y/N: Omg! It's beautiful in here. A jacuzzi?!! Wow!
Yoongi: Want to jump in??
Y/N: can you help me get out of my dress?

Yoongi started undoing her wedding dress, and lays it down carefully on the couch. Then goes back to Y/N, she starts taking off his blazer, tie, belt, shirt....he then takes off her slip dress she had on and undoes her hair. They start kissing when he takes off her bra, and she takes off his undershirt and slacks. They manage to walk over the jacuzzi tub that he already started. They both take off each other's underwear and get in the tub. Y/N wets his hair, she straddles him, then bends backwards into the water dipping her head in completely and just her bare chest is out. Yoongi can't take it anymore and pulls her back up to kiss her, and thrusts himself inside her. Y/N let's out a loud moan, and they're finally able to make love literally without any interruptions. She's pulling his hair and kissing him, while he's biting her neck, thrusting harder and harder. He grabs her hips and digs his hands hard and starts leading her hips to his thrust rhythm so they both can feel each other. After a while, and many different positions, they orgasmed too many times they lost count, and were worn out. Trying to catch their breath, they looked at all the mess they made and chuckled.

Yoongi: You want to take a shower?
Y/N: Yeah. I can finally wash my make up off. Lol

They both showered together, with a little make out session here and there, and finally got out, and got dressed.

Yoongi: You hungry?
Y/N nods: I'm starving babe.

He orders room service, nothing fancy, cheeseburgers, fries and cokes. Nothing better for a midnight snack. They both lay down and cuddle while waiting for their food. Y/N starts dozing off, and falls asleep. About 10 minutes after, room service has finally arrived. Yoongi gets up, and sets the little table by their night stand so they can eat. He goes and wakes up Y/N with kisses.

Yoongi: Baby the food's here.
Y/N: already? Ok.

He starts kissing her neck and tickling her, she starts laughing and gets up. They enjoy their midnight snack, then decide to go to bed since their flight was around 10am.

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