Chapter 8

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Y/N finally gets up, and Liz hands her her crutches. Yoongi stands next to her in case she needs help. He starts to follow her, and keeps his hand on her lower back.

Yoongi: ::whispers:: so do you want me to help you get undressed? ::dreamy eyes::

Y/N stops and turns to look at him. Butterflies in her stomach big time.

Y/N: do you want to?

Yoongi immediately picks her up and she puts her legs around his waist and start kissing. They barely make it to Y/N's room and shut the door. The girls hear the crutches fall in the hallway and get worried. Yoongi and Y/N just start making out. He lays her down on the bed and lays on top of her. Then someone knocks at her door. They're too in tune with each other and don't hear the knock. Again, the knock comes but a bit louder this time. They both stop, and Y/N answers. While Yoongi starts kissing her neck at the same time she's talking.

Leilah: Mom are you ok? We heard your crutches fall.
Y/N: ::heavy breathing:: Uh yeah! Yoongi thought he'd be horny...I mean Funny to pick me up and bring me to my womb. ROOM! Omg

Leilah confused as all hell. Y/N and Yoongi go back to making out. Lisa passes by and tells Leilah...

Lisa: Leilah! Leave yo mama alone! She's probably getting laid gurl! Shoot!

Y/N and Yoongi stop kissing and just start laughing. He puts his face in her neck and she just holds him.

Y/N: I better the shower.
Yoongi: Yeah. ::kisses her::

He gets up and helps Y/N. She does manage to take her jeans off and throws them in her hamper. She's just in her t-shirt. He helps her to the bathroom, and he starts the shower.

Yoongi: Do you need help getting fully undressed? ::smirks::
Y/N: I think I can manage

Yoongi helps her off the toilet seat and puts his arms around her waist and starts kissing her. Y/N responds to his touch and kisses him back. He pulls her t-shirt off and that doesn't stop them. Their hands are all over each other by this time when all of a sudden Y/N just stops.

Y/N: Yoongi ::out of breath:: Yoongi...wait we need to stop. Hold on.
Yoongi: what's wrong you ok?
Y/N: yeah wait. I mean TRUST me I want to. I want to really bad, but I don't think we should rush this. Especially since my kids are here. I'm so sorry.
Yoongi: no no. It's ok Y/N. Don't be sorry. I'm sorry if you feel like I pressured you.
Y/N: you didn't. I want to. Trust me. I just want to be completely alone with you when and if this does happen between us you know. No interruptions.
Yoongi: Just you and me.
Y/N: yes.

Yoongi kisses her, and leaves the bathroom and shuts the door. Y/N turns around and faces herself in the mirror. "Omg! Omg omg omg..." she cant stop smiling. She can't believe what just happened. She thinks it's a dream but it isn't. She undresses and turns the water to cold. Ends up taking a cold ass shower to calm herself down. She finishes her shower and gets out. Dries herself, and puts her robe on. Soon she realizes she didn't bring her bra and underwear to the bathroom with her. She opens the door and sees Yoongi laying down on her bed playing with his phone.

Y/N: Hey
Yoongi: Hi. You need help?
Y/N: No I'm ok ::chuckles:: I kind of forgot to get something.

She starts limping towards her dresser and Yoongi quickly gets up to help.

Y/N: I'm ok. Lol don't worry.
Yoongi: I know. Just wanted to make sure you didn't lose your balance or anything.

Y/N smiles and goes back to the restroom. She lotions up, puts her hair up in a wet bun, puts on her bra and undies and pj's. Which is just a tank top and matching pj shorts. Yoongi sees her come out and smiles.

Yoongi: You look cute
Y/N: thanks 😊
Yoongi: Your thighs are a little red, you ok?
Y/N: yeah. I spilled hot soup on my lap remember ☺️

Yoongi chuckles at the thought. She starts limping to her bed, and he's immediately at her side. Helps her up.

Y/N: I just need to elevate my foot. It's actually starting to hurt a little. ::she calls for one of the girls:: baby...can you ask Lisa where she put my meds please?
Daisy: Mom you need to eat before you can take them.

Y/N rolls her eyes but then realizes she is hungry.

Y/N: What did you guys make? Or did you guys get take out?
Leilah: Lisa made us spaghetti but we finished it.
Yoongi: You want to order something to eat?
Y/N: Uh. Yeah. What do you feel like having? Ooo dumplings. You feel like having dumplings babe?

She realized what she had just called him and she just closed her eyes. F*ck.

Yoongi: Yeah. That actually sounds really good. Go ahead and order. Here's my card.
Y/N: What? No. You got dinner last night no. It's my turn.
Yoongi: No Y/N. Here. Take it.
Y/N: No.

She tries to move to the other side of her bed, but he was faster, manages to grab and take her phone.

Yoongi: Boom! Done! I saved my card too. And don't delete it.
Y/N: Why did you do that? I could've paid.
Yoongi: I know babe, but I don't want you to. 😉

She just shuts her mouth and lays down next to Yoongi. She's tries to get her cushions under her leg and ankle, but is having a hard time. Yoongi sits up to help her. She gets comfortable, and lays back. They start watching tv, and she texts one of her kid's to let them know they ordered food. To watch out in case they knock. About 30 minutes pass, and hear a knock at the door.

Liz: I'll get it.
Leilah: It's probably mom's food.

The delivery guy hands them over the food and walks away. Viktoria goes to her mom's room and lets them know the food is there. Y/N tries to get up but is kind of drowsy because she was falling asleep on his arm. He tells her he'll go get plates so they can eat. She nods. Viktoria walks to the kitchen with Yoongi and she shows him where the cups and plates are. While he starts taking the food out and serving Viktoria starts asking him questions.

Viktoria: So do you really like my mom or is she just one of your play toys for right now?

Yoongi turns around and looks at her, kind of surprised she asked him that. But doesn't mind, it is their mom he's interested in after all.

Yoongi: No. She's not my play toy. I really like your mom, I believe she's a beautiful human being. And I want to get to know her more and hopefully she can become my girlfriend if that's ok with you and your sisters.
Viktoria: Well my sisters like you. But I'm not convinced until you prove it.

He chuckles

Yoongi: Yeah I can do that. I'll take good care of your mom ok. You don't need to worry so much. How does that sound?
Viktoria: Eh. We'll see

Viktoria walks away. And Yoongi just laughs. Damn, it's going to take a little more convincing with Y/N's little one. But he's up for it. He'll do whatever it takes for Y/N's daughters to accept him. Because he wasn't going anywhere.

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