Chapter 27

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They finally arrive in Korea, but aren't as tired as they thought they'd be. Now it's time to start planning Y/N and Yoongi's wedding. But of course move into their new home as well. Y/N and the girls had to pick up the last minute things for the girls since they were going to start school. Y/N ended up picking up all of the girls school uniforms, backpacks, coats, school supplies all that good stuff. She's so thankful for Lisa and Liz because they helped her out so much. But then again, they are her new assistants, that was something she had to start getting used to.

Y/N: Thank you so much you guys! I don't know what I would've done if I was by myself.
Lisa: Of course love, how about we go get something to eat. I'm starving.
Liz: Me too
Y/N: Yeah, lets go eat.

They end up dropping off all of the stuff in the car and have the driver deliver the things at the house, and Y/N let's Seok her driver know where they will be at. They have a good relationship, and have become friends, he agrees and takes off. The girls end up going to this really pretty sushi restaurant and sit down. They pretty much had a shopping spree, and Y/N was exhausted. So she ordered some Sake 🍶 and pretty soon, 1 bottle turned into 3. Lisa has 2 cups with her, but Y/N drank most of it. And she's usually not a big drinker, but she felt like having a good buzz. But since she has lost a lot of weight, she kind of forgot she can't drink as
much. So she was drunk. The girls end up forcing some sushi rolls down Y/N's mouth, once she finishes they start getting up to leave. Until Y/N sees a familiar face walk in with a crowd of girls. Short skirts, high heels, total attention seekers.

Lisa: Must be happy hour where all the whores come out.
Liz: Yeah seriously!

Y/N has this resting bitch face, something she has never really been able to get rid of. Lol it's her face and she was proud of it. But she keeps staring at this one girl that keeps standing out of the whole crowd.

Y/N: I know that f*ckin chick from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it.
Lisa: Maybe am Army?
Y/N: No. I like all Armys...this chick feels different. She's not an Army boo.

Y/N keeps staring at the girl, and the girl notices. She yells something in Korean, and Y/N yells something back. It takes the girl by surprise and walks up to Y/N. This chick is in heels and seems much taller than Y/N, and she's just in her black converse, blue jeans, with a tank top and fitted flannel shirt. Y/N does not back down and looks up at her

Girl: What are you looking at? Are you like in love with me or something? Are you a dyke? Or are you a....


Lisa & Liz: OH SHIT!!! Y/N!!!! Wtf???

After Y/N knocks the chick out, she drags her ass by her hair outside.

Y/N: I f*ckin told you I know this bitch!!!
Lisa: Y/N wtf bro?!? What're we missing??

Y/N just stands next to this chick that's laying on the floor, trying to catch her breath since she broke her nose and just stares at her. Y/N kneels down and the chick flinched.

Girl: Here take anything you want! ::hands her purse to Y/N:: Just don't hurt me please. I don't know what I did to make you hit me.

Y/N slaps her purse out of the way. All her stuff spills, and she sees a pack of cigarettes. Y/N grabs a cigarette and lights it.

Y/N: ::takes a big drag and exhales:: I'm not here to rob you dumb ass. If I wanted to rob you, I would've done it already.
Girl: What do you want from me?
Y/N: I just want you to feel the same pain you caused Taehyung!....Leah.
Leah: How do you know my name?
Y/N: It's not hard to point out who the biggest whore in town is. You took all of Tae's money...
Leah: You Can have...
Y/N: DON'T f*ckin interrupt me!!! You can keep the money. That boy has made quadruple of what you took, and he's better off without you. I just need you to do one thing yeah?!!
Leah: Anything!!
Y/N: Pack your shit, and get the f*ck out of Seoul!! Tonight! If you call the cops, or even think about getting a hold of Tae, I will find out and I WILL comeback for you!!!
Leah: Done!! I'm out of here! I swear!!!
Y/N: Good. ::Y/N puts her cigarette out super close to Leah's ear and singes her hair a bit. And gets up::
Leah: ::sits up, blood all over her face:: what am I gonna do about my nose?! 
Y/N: You stole Tae's 5 million won, you figure it out whore!

Y/N starts walking away, and Lisa and Liz lock arms with Y/N because she can barely walk on her own.

Y/N: Damn that felt so great breaking that bitch's nose!! Lol
Liz: Y/N wtf?? Lol was that the chick that Tae was engaged to?
Y/N: ::nods:: Bitch got what she deserved. F*ck!!! Why is my elbow hurting so much wtf?!? Did I break it? ::points her elbow to Lisa::
Lisa: Holy shit Y/N! You're bleeding bad! SEOK!!! Come over here please. Can you help me with Y/N? We need to go to a doctor or a hospital.
Seok: Ma'am who's ass did you kick? Lol
Y/N: Omg Seok-woo!  Dude you missed it!! I knocked that bitch down!! Lol
Seok: Yeah I see that. You know Mr. Min is going to kill me when he sees your arm.
Y/N: It's ok. I'll tell him lol my arm just hurts really bad.
Seok: Alright ladies get in, let's go to the hospital.

Seok-woo ends up taking Y/N to the hospital, and he explains to the nurses she fell backwards landing on someone and her elbow hit their face. Y/N understood everything he said and she started laughing.

Seok: I have to call Mr. Min ma'am.
Y/N: Seok-woo! Call me Y/N...and ok. Just make sure you tell him I'm ok, ok.
Seok: Yes of course ma'am.....Y/N 😁

Seok-woo walks away calling Yoongi to let him know, while Lisa and Liz stay with Y/N in the room.

Lisa: What're you going to tell Yoongi?
Y/N: the truth. I can't lie to him.

The doctor comes in, and the girls help Y/N take her flannel off. She winces when they take off the sleeve from the right arm.

Liz: OMG!!!
Doctor: Woah! That's quite a fall you had Mrs. Min. Let me just take a look at what I have to get to patch you up and you can be on your way ok.

Y/N: ::nods:: is it bad?? The alcohol and adrenaline is starting to wear off, and I'm really feeling it now.
Lisa: Is that a f*ckin tooth in your elbow?? Lmao!!! Y/N you knocked that bitche's tooth out!!! Lol
Y/N: are you serious? Lol ow! It hurts to laugh. Well she deserved it.
Liz: Don't move your arm Y/N, blood is going everywhere.
Y/N: Give me the sheet that's right there so I can put pressure on it. Arrggghh! F*ck!!!

Her room door opens...

Yoongi: Y/N!!!!! Baby are you ok??? Wtf happened??? Lisa?
Lisa: Um, it's better if she tells you Yoongi.
Y/N: Baby I'll tell you everything, just get the doctor in here to give me a shot for the pain. Holy shit!!

Right when Yoongi was about to leave, the doctor and his nurse walk in with the sewing tray. The nurse realizes it's Yoongi and she blushes and smiles. Yoongi does a little bow, and stands next to Y/N. Y/N notices and gives the nurse a death stare. The doctor explains what he's going to do, and gives her a pain shot on her bottom. It immediately starts to kick in and Y/N relaxes. The doctor ends up removing the tooth, and 16 stitches later he is done. It was a bloody mess, but he was able to close the wound pretty good. He cleans all the blood off, and wrapped her arm, and put it in a sling. He prescribed her antibiotics along with some pain meds. He let her know she will be sore for the next couple of days, but after that she should be ok, and just to take it easy for the next 2 weeks.
Y/N thanks the doctor and so does Yoongi. They walk out of the room where Lisa, Liz, and Seok were waiting for them.

Yoongi: Baby what happened?
Y/N: I ran into Leah at a restaurant and kicked her ass.
Yoongi: 😧

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