Chapter 32

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Morning comes and Leilah's fever is completely gone. Y/N wakes up but can't really move, because she slept in an awkward position and her back got messed up again. Yoongi hears her and gets up quickly.

Yoongi: Baby what's wrong??
Y/N: It's my back again. Can you help me up please.

Yoongi helps her and Y/N yelps, and wakes up Leilah.

Leilah: Mommy what's wrong??
Y/N: Nothing baby go back to sleep.
Yoongi: She said it's her back again.

Leilah immediately gets up and goes and gets Lisa and Daisy.

Leilah: Lisa!! My mom's back issue came back!! Do you have her medicine?
Lisa: Yeah it's in the medicine cabinet. ::gets up::

Yoongi takes Y/N to their room and helps her lay down.

Yoongi: Baby tell me what's going on please.
Y/N: ::sighs:: after I had Viktoria, I started having painful back spasms and pressure. I just thought it was because of the epidural, but once the years passed it got worse. After a bunch of tests, I found out I have AS (ankylosing spondylitis). It's like a severe case of arthritis on my lower back (spine). It's not curable, I have to take medicine for the inflammation, and sometimes my pain gets so bad I'm bed ridden for a couple of days. The pain starts at my lower back, to my hips, and sometimes it shoots down my thighs. It's a pain I can't describe.
Yoongi: Why didn't you tell me?
Y/N: I don't know. I haven't had a flare up like a year before we met, and since I lost weight, the pain minimized. But I think they way I slept last night triggered it, because I'm in so much pain right now.

Lisa and Leilah knock, and Yoongi let's them in.

Lisa: Good morning.
Yoongi: Morning
Lisa: What happened Y/N? A little too much action last night or what?
Y/N: Oh shut up lol and give me my meds.
Yoongi: Ok, so you brought her medication? Good ok.
Lisa: Yeah just in case.
Yoongi: Ok, so what does she have to take??

Lisa gave Yoongi the run down on how many meds Y/N needs to start taking again, including a shot she has to take weekly.

Y/N: I seriously thought I was done with this shit. 🥺
Lisa: Y/N it's ok. Remember the doctors said it can come and go, or you can get a flare up like you do right now.
Y/N: Are you sure you still want to marry me Yoongi? An old hag like me.
Yoongi: What?? Why would you ask me that?? And why did you call me by my name?
Y/N: I don't know babe. I'm sorry. I was hoping you would never see me like this. ::starts crying::
Yoongi: In sickness and in health remember?

Y/N nods. But she is still embarrassed.

Yoongi: Ok, Lisa so what do we do from here?
Lisa: We need to get her to a doctor that can see her regularly, and then to the specialists that treat her condition.
Yoongi: Ok. Do you want me to ask Kyong my assistant to get everything set up?
Lisa: Yeah could he? Since we're still trying to get familiar with the area. I know it's almost been a year since we've been here...but still a bit tricky. Not only that, we have to find a pediatrician for the girls too.
Yoongi: Yeah of course I'll tell him.

Yoongi calls Kyong and tells him what he, Y/N and the girls need, and gets on it right away. Y/N was seriously upset because her wedding is in 2 months, her birthday in 1 month, and Daisy's birthday in 2 weeks, and she wasn't really able to move because of her back. Everything was pretty much ready for their wedding, she had her dress, brides maids dresses, and everything else. So now they just had to concentrate on Y/N getting better.
Y/N's appointment day came, and they go to the doctors. The doctor suggested natural herbs and acupuncture to help with the lower back pressure. She was able to walk and everything, she just can't over do it like she has these past few weeks. Y/N's resting in the living room when she gets a phone call from Leilah's school. She needs to go pick her up because she got sick at school and has a fever again.

Y/N: Seok! We need to pick up Leilah from school, can you get car hun? Please.
Seok: Yes Mrs. Min. I'll be outside.

Y/N goes upstairs and gets her purse and carries her shoes downstairs. Then sends Yoongi a message she's on her way to pick up Leilah.

Y/N: I'll be back babe. I have to pick up Leilah from school. She's sick again.
Yoongi: You need me to go with you?
Y/N: No baby it's ok. Stay in the studio, I'll be back soon ok. I love you
Yoongi: Be careful. I love you ❤️

Y/N and Seok take off to the girls school. When Y/N gets to the office, Leilah's in the nurse's office laying down. She goes and tells Y/N it looks like she has some kind of food poisoning. She thanks the nurse, and they take off.

Y/N: Whats going on mama? Why are you pale as a ghost and throwing up all over the place?? What did you eat yesterday?
Leilah: I don't know. I just got nauseous around 3rd period and ran to the bathroom and threw up.

But what Y/N didn't know is that Leilah has a crush on Hobi, and went out to lunch with him and Yoongi the day before. But she lied to her step dad saying they've eaten sushi before. Leilah and her sisters never had tried sushi, let alone raw sushi like the boys are used to eating. They got home and she again ran to the bathroom as soon as she entered. Yoongi comes into the house and hears Leilah throwing up in the downstairs bathroom.

Yoongi: Omg she's really sick.
Y/N: I know. The school nurse said it might be food poisoning. Didn't she hang out with you yesterday?
Yoongi: Oh yeah. We went with Hoseok to the really nice sushi restaurant and ate there.
Y/N: Sushi? Babe what did Leilah eat?
Yoongi: I think she tried Hoseok's salmon tuna and albacore.
Y/N: Those are raw aren't they?
Yoongi: Yeah

Y/N sighs and knew right away what caused Leilah getting sick. She's never had raw seafood before, and tried it anyway when she was unsure at lunch the day before.

Y/N: She got food poisoning from that. She's never eaten any raw seafood before and her stomach didn't like it. Minji!!!! Can you help me please?
Minji: Yes Ms. Y/N.
Y/N: Leilah got food poisoning can you get her a green tea and a bunch of water bottles. Oh and I need a trash can, newspaper if we have any, trash bags.
Minji: On my way to get them Ms. Y/N

Once Minji leaves, Yoongi is wondering why Y/N asked for all those things.

Yoongi: How come you need all that stuff?
Y/N: The tea and water is for Leilah. The trash can, newspaper and trash bag is what I'm going to use in case she can't make it to the restroom. I'm putting the newspaper at the bottom of the trash can, then the bag inside. In case there are any tears in the bag, the newspaper will absorb any liquid.
Yoongi: Wow. You know a lot.
Y/N: I've had practice these past 16 years of motherhood 😉

Yoongi chuckles and kisses Y/N.

Y/N: What was that for babe?
Yoongi: Because you're such an amazing mother. I can't wait until we have one together.

Y/N smiles and freezes. Another baby?!?

Love at first sight Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora