Chapter 25

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Tuesday comes and they are on their way to look at the house. She's a bit anxious, but then again so is everyone else. They guys helped Y/N decide on the best school for the girls so that was done, and they start school in about 2 weeks. Now they had to look to see what was going to be their permanent home. They weren't disappointed and bought it.
They move in 3 weeks and the guys find out they are able to build 3 small houses in the back since it's a big property. So the building starts and Daisy's sweet 16 has arrived. They get to California and the boys tagged along as well. As soon as they land, everyone is a bit jet lagged. They stay at Y/N's mom's house, and she tells everyone to go get some rest while she gets the party favors and last minute things that are needed for the party. Yoongi says that everything should be ready since he ordered got everything that was needed. Y/N had completely forgot, so her mom told her to go get some rest.
A couple of hours later Y/N wakes up and notices Yoongi isn't there. So she goes to the kitchen where her mom and Yoongi are talking. She smiles, and loves the fact that her mom approves and is very accepting of their engagement. Aside from Yoongi asking the girls for their mom's hand in marriage, it's that he also spoke to Y/N's mom and older brother for her hand in marriage. She felt happy. Something she hasn't felt in a really long time. Y/N's mom sees her and says hi. She walks into the kitchen gives her mom a hug and sits down to eat dinner. Yoongi was waiting for her to wake up so they can eat together. Y/N notices the house is quiet...

Y/N: where are the girls?
Yoongi: Leilah and Viktoria went to visit their aunt, and I think Daisy and the boys went to get junk food and sodas for tonight's movie.
Y/N: Daisy took the boys?
Yoongi: Yeah. Why?
Y/N: What car did she take?
Yoongi: I think your mom's.
Y/N: Great! They're going off roading with that kid! 🤦🏻‍♀️
Yoongi: Lol what do you mean?
Y/N: Daisy's a crazy driver. Lol she thinks she's a little bad ass, like she doesn't pay attention sometimes.
Yoongi: Babe, Hobi and Jk are with her. They're good drivers don't worry. Lol
Y/N: Yeah ok, you're right. Ama, why'd you let her go?
Mom: The boys are with her. She'll be ok.
Y/N: do you know who your granddaughter is?

Yoongi and grandma started laughing. But in the end Y/N knew she would behave because all 5 boys were with her. And you guessed it, Taehyung decided to stay behind. He was still in the healing process, and didn't want to be a downer.
Later on that night, everyone was sitting in the living room about to watch a movie. Yoongi and Y/N sat together, then it was Namjoon, Leilah, Hobi, Viktoria, Jimin, Daisy and Jin. Y/N noticed that Jin and Daisy were oddly close, but didn't really give too much thought since they were watching a scary movie. Y/N started dozing off in the middle of the movie, Yoongi noticed and asked her if she wanted to go to bed, and she agreed. They started walking into the room, as soon as Yoongi shut the door and locked it, he approached Y/N aggressively from behind and started kissing and groping her. She let out a little moan, and pretty soon they were on the bed. Half naked, because that's all they managed to take off of each other. Yoongi picks her up and puts her against the wall, while they're kissing she asks if he's been holding back and he nods yes. Y/N said they couldn't be too loud because everyone is still awake, but he didn't care. The tv and surround sound was loud, so they wouldn't be heard. This was the first time Yoongi was a bit rough, and she liked it. He kept getting better and better every single time. They finished and took a break, and noticed they couldn't hear the movie anymore.

Y/N: Do you think the movie's over?
Yoongi: Probably. Do you think they heard us? Lol
Y/N: I hope not.

There was a knock at their door and it was Jk. Yoongi answers

Yoongi: Hey. What's up?
Jk: lol you alright hyung? You're a little red.
Yoongi: Lol yes I'm fine, what's going on?
Jk: Oh the movie's over, and the girls fell asleep on the couch, should we leave them there?
Yoongi: Babe the girls fell asleep on the couch...
Y/N: I can wake them up...
Jk: No it's ok Noona. We can carry them to their rooms. It's no problem.
Yoongi: Ok go ahead that's fine.

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