Chapter 34

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Yoongi and Y/N get home and the house is nicely decorated for Daisys birthday.

Y/N: Omg you guys!! It looks beautiful!!
Joon: Y/N!!! You're home!! ::runs and hugs her::
Y/N: Hey sweetie. You guys did an awesome job.
Joon: Well Jin got the balloons 🙄 can you tell?
Yoongi: It's fine lol it looks really nice.
Y/N: Where are the girls?
Joon: Jin took Daisy, Jenny, and Elizabeth shopping...Jk and Jimin are playing video games with Viktoria and Maggie, and Leilah...Leilah I think is hanging out with Hobi. Lisa is with them...they were cleaning earlier.

Jk and Viktoria over heard Y/N talking, and she runs to go hug her mom.

Viktoria: Mommy!! You're home!! ::hugs her::
Y/N: Yeah. I'm finally home baby. What are you guys doing?
Viktoria: Playing video games, but Jungkook is a big cheater!
Jk: No I'm not! You're the big fat cheater! Lol

Both of them start arguing and Y/N chuckles a little bit, but winces in pain. She says hi to everyone else, and sees that her dining room is clean with a brand new dining table and chairs. No blood on the carpet, and no dents on the wall. While she's looking around and remembering what happened the night before, Yoongi comes from behind to hug her and scares the crap out of her.

Y/N: BABE!!!! Omg ::starts shaking:: you scared the shit out of me.
Yoongi: Omg I'm so sorry. I just wanted to hug you.

Y/N hugs him tightly, and he feels that she is shaking.

Yoongi: Babe are you ok?
Y/N: Yeah, just a little shaky after what happened last night is all. I'm sorry.
Yoongi: Don't apologize it's ok. It was a rough night for all of us.

Y/N's memory starts flooding with everything that happened and starts crying.

Yoongi: Baby what's wrong?
Y/N: I don't know. I guess everything just finally hit face hurts really bad. Can you take me to our room?
Yoongi: Yes, of course. Come on

They both start walking upstairs, and go into their room. Yoongi hugs Y/N, he still feels her shaking and shivering, and just holds her. They both lay down, and he keeps holding her. Then he realizes she fell asleep and is finally getting some rest. He slowly gets up, and gets his pillow for her to hold on to. He goes and takes a shower, then gets dressed. He has a couple of cuts and bruises, nothing too bad. He was just worried for Y/N. When he comes out of the closet, he sees that Y/N is starting to wake up.

Yoongi: Hey. Did you have a good nap?
Y/N: ::nods, and winces::
Yoongi: Your cheek?

And Y/N nods. Yoongi goes and gets her medicine and a cup of water. He comes back and gives them to her, she takes them and slowly starts to get up.

Yoongi: Do you need help?
Y/N: ::whispers:: Yeah please babe

Yoongi helps her get up and he walks her to the bathroom.

Y/N: Babe would you be able to get me my robe please, so I can get on the shower.
Yoongi: Yeah

Y/N slowly gets undressed, Yoongi walks in and sees she has bruises all over her right side, and he just starts feeling this anger coming up. This time he makes a little noise not to scare Y/N.

Yoongi: Here babe.
Y/N: Thank you. ::she hugs and kisses him::

She gets in the shower and Yoongi asks her if she wants him to stay, but she says no, she'll be ok. If anything she'll call for him. Yoongi walks out of the room and starts getting teary eyed. He only thought it was her face that got injured, but once she fell, she hit one of the chairs on her way down and bruised her whole right side. He washed his face to calm down, and heard the shower turn off. Y/N was done, and he decided to stay in the room with her.

Y/N: What the hell am I going to wear? We're not going out right?
Yoongi: I don't know, Daisy never told us. You want me to ask her?
Y/N: Is she home yet?
Yoongi: I think so.

Yoongi goes downstairs to check, and he sees that everyone is there. Daisy runs to Yoongi and gives him a big hug.

Yoongi: Happy birthday kiddo!
Daisy: Where's mom?
Yoongi: She just got out of the shower. She was asking if you decided what you wanted to do? Go out to dinner? Or are we staying?
Daisy: How about we go out? Get some fresh air.
Yoongi: I think your mom would love that. Let me go tell her.

Yoongi goes upstairs, and sees that Y/N is just in her jeans and bra. He knocks to let her know, she turns and smiles at him. He comes and hugs her from behind, and starts kissing her neck.

Yoongi: Daisy said she wants to go out
Y/N: she does? ::turns around and kissed him back::

They both start making out in their closet, while she feels him get a bit excited.

Y/N: ::whispers:: I want you Yoongi...I want you now.

He picks her up and takes her to the bed where he undresses her. She takes off his shirt, and unbuttons his pants. She straddles him and grunts out a moan. This time Yoongi doesn't even try to quiet her down, he tries not to be too aggressive since she's bruised, but it doesn't seem to bother her. After a while, they finally finish and Yoongi is the one that's shaking this time. They're both out of breath, but they manage to control it. Y/N gets up and starts getting dressed again, while Yoongi is still on the bed...naked.

Y/N: Babe...come on. We have to get ready.
Yoongi: Do we have to? Lol
Y/N: We can continue when we get home 😉
Yoongi: Oh alright.

He finally gets up, washes his face, and finishes getting ready. Y/N's dressed, and just needs to do her make up.

Y/N: Babe, you go ahead and go. I'll be right down.
Yoongi: You sure? I can stay and keep you company...
Y/N: and look where that got us. Lol but yes stay please.
Yoongi: Ok

Y/N finishes her make up, then does her hair.

Y/N: Ok I'm ready
Yoongi: Beautiful

He gets up and kisses her. They go downstairs where everyone is waiting.

Hobi: Bout time love birds!
Daisy: Mom!! You lookin pretty snazzy!! Check you out!
Lisa: CHOOOOW! You have a hot date later?
Y/N: Maybe 😉
Yoongi: Hey hey now, she's mine. Alright Daisy, where are we going?
Daisy: Steakhouse!
Yoongi: You got it. Let's go.
Liz: Are we all going to fit in 1 car?
Jimin: We can take the limo. It's 14 of us.
Yoongi: Yeah lets do that.

Yoongi and Joon go and tell their driver to bring the limo out. Jungkook approaches Y/N

Jk: Hey Noona. Are you ok?
Y/N: Jungkook! Omg sweetie look at your face! ::starts getting teary eyed::
Jk: No Don't cry. ::grabs her hand and holds it:: I'm ok. I was worried about you. All of us were.
Y/N: But look at your face.
Jk: Really I'm ok. We're worried about you. Yoongi said your cheek is fractured?
Y/N: Yeah just a little. Nothing too bad, but I'm ok...honest. Let's just enjoy Daisy's birthday ok. And thank you so much for kicking his ass. It breaks my heart seeing him this way.
Jk: He doesn't deserve your love or attention Noona.
Y/N: I know you and the boys don't think so, but we just have to pray for him to get better and healthy you know.
Jk: Yeah I know, and we know what you did to Leah. Yoongi ended up telling us, and we couldn't stop laughing.
Y/N: Well she got what she deserved. Just saying.

They both laugh, and the limo comes to the front of the house. Yoongi and Joon come out and open the door.

Joon: Lets go! Time to party!

Everyone gets in the car, Yoongi and Y/N sit next to each other, and are completely affectionate.

Joon and Hobi noticed, and would like to have that with someone in the future.

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