Chapter 24

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On their ride home Yoongi kept looking at Y/N trying to read her, see if she acted differently but she didn't. She didn't feel any regret for talking back to Yoongi's mom. Anyone can call her whatever names they'd like, but do not offend her kids, because she will attack like a lioness defending her cubs.
He finally broke the silence and asked if she just wanted to stay home and relax on Sunday, then they can go house hunting around Tuesday. Y/N agreed and cuddled up to Yoongi and fell asleep. One of the girls finally asked why they had to cut their trip short and Yoongi said grandma was being mean to their mom, so he decided they should go home.

Viktoria: Ok. I'm just so happy we got to bring Holly home. 😁
Yoongi: Yeah, we had to pick her up anyway. I'm glad she's home too.

Yoongi sees Viktoria cuddling Holly, and she's just loves the attention and he smiles. He's never felt so complete, ever. It's like Y/N and the girls were the missing puzzle piece. They finally arrive home, and Y/N wakes up. They all go upstairs and start unpacking. Y/N decided to get in the shower, while Yoongi was feeding and playing with Holly. The girls were there with him as well. They start watching tv, and Holly goes and lays down next to the girls. He tells them he's going to bed and to not stay up too late. Yoongi walks into his room and hears that Y/N is taking a shower. He watches her for a couple of minutes and decides to join her. They take a shower and then get out to get ready for bed. Y/N decided to put a night gown on this time, and Yoongi just grabbed and threw her on the bed. She started laughing and kept kissing him. Soon enough they started making love, but this time it was different. It was more passionate than ever, and they connected as one. After a long while they finally fell asleep.

It was morning and she woke up to Holly licking her face.

Y/N: Hi baby. ::cuddles Holly:: where's daddy? Is he in the living room?

Holly does a little bark and Yoongi walks in with a cup of coffee for Y/N.

Yoongi: Good morning baby. How'd you sleep?
Y/N: Slept so good. ☺️ omg the coffee smells good.

Y/N sits up and forget she's naked, and she flashes Yoongi. He starts laughing, and covers her up.

Y/N: what. It's not like you haven't seen them 😉

Yoongi blushes, Y/N puts her coffee down and grabs Yoongi and pulls him down to the bed. They start making out and had a quickie before breakfast. Y/N finally gets up, puts Yoongi's t-shirt on and goes to the restroom. Yoongi's on the bed still laying down trying to catch his breath.

Yoongi: I don't think I can ever get tired of this.
Y/N: well maybe after breakfast we can have a "nap" again. 😘

Y/N starts getting dressed, and so does he. They eat breakfast and start having a movie day with the girls. Pretty soon Yoongi brings his iPad and they both start looking for houses. Y/N asks if the boys will be moving with them, and Yoongi chuckles.

Yoongi: Why do you think they're going to move with us? Lol
Y/N: Because they're always here...eating our food

Yoongi starts busting up, but she's right. And he agrees.

Y/N: Do you guys have like 3 or 4 houses on a lot? Like a main house and then the guys can live in those other houses.
Yoongi: I'm pretty sure we can find one. If not, I mean we can have someone build them right. The guys wouldn't mind. And we can add an additional studio so I can work from there, instead of going into the office you know. And so I won't be so far away from you.

Y/N blushes and kisses Yoongi.

Y/N: Remember we started talking about planning our wedding? What if we have it around the end of October? Like a Halloween or Day of the dead theme wedding. Just throwing ideas.
Yoongi: No I love it. That would be a lot of fun. And it'll kind of match your tattoos.
Y/N: Lol I didn't even think of that. So our wedding in October/November, and we move...
Yoongi: We move as soon as we find out house.
Y/N: ok. Sounds good. I actually found this one that I really like that's on sale.

She shows Yoongi the house. He smiles and says he likes it, and will call his assistant so he can make an appointment to see the house. They kept looking at more houses, but they really didn't like them. They ended up liking 2 or 3 more houses and wrote the addresses down. They didn't realize they were house hunting most of the day and it was time for dinner. Y/N started cooking her Mexican dishes. And what do you know, there's a knock at the door, Yoongi goes to open it and it's the boys.

Hobi and Jin: Heeyyyy!
Jk: Hyung!!! What's up ::walks in:: Noona!!

The rest walk in and smell the delicious dinner Y/N is preparing. She ended up making green chicken enchilada casserole, with rice and beans (made from scratch).

Jin: Hi Noona. It smells good, what're you making.
Y/N: Chicken enchiladas. Hun Can you and JK start setting up the table please. The girls went to take Holly for a walk.
JK: Yeah no problem.
Y/N: You guys are hungry right? Lol
Jin: Lol Yeah.
Y/N: Ok good. That's why I made a lot.
Yoongi: Babe no! They can make their own food.
Hobi & Joon: Come on dude! Don't be selfish.
Y/N: Baby it's fine lol there's plenty.
Yoongi: Fine! JK make sure I'm sitting next to Y/N this time, I don't want to sit between you and Jin again.

Both guys start busting up because of that. Y/N started laughing as well. The girls came back, and said hi to the guys.

Y/N: Ok everyone! Go wash your hands dinner is ready.

Everyone starts serving themselves and eat dinner.

Yoongi: Omg babe. I've never had this, and it is so good! Omg.
Boys: Damn Noona. This is pretty bomb.
Y/N: Thank you.

They finish eating dinner, and all the guys including Yoongi start cleaning up. Which just meant washing dishes and putting all the left over food away.

Y/N: You guys if you want to take some home...
Yoongi: No!! That's my food!!
Y/N: Babe!! Lol don't be like that I can make you more lol

Yoongi rolls his eyes, but the guys didn't take anything with them because they were so full. Once the guys are all done, they go to meet Y/N in the living room where she's reading one of her books.

Yoongi: Hey, so since you guys are already here I thought it would be a good time to talk.
Hobi: What's up hyung?
Yoongi: We finally set a date for our wedding, And we are house hunting.
JK: You're moving out of here?
Yoongi: Yeah, we need a bigger place and the girls need their own rooms you know.
Joon: Oh alright. Have you guys found something yet?
Yoongi: We found a couple of houses and wanted to show you guys to get your opinion.
Joon: Oh alright, let us see.

Yoongi starts showing them the houses he and Y/N liked, and they're favorite was the first one he showed them. The stairs on the left takes you up to the front door. That big window is where the dining room will be, and will have a beautiful view. And the garage is below them etc.

Jk: Wow you guys are really serious then. 😕
Yoongi: Yeah. But here is the big question, and this was Y/N's idea. The house has 6 bedrooms alone, but Y/N said why don't we have an additional 3 small houses built in the back for you guys to live in.

All the guys had the biggest smiles on their faces.

Jk: Noona are you serious?
Y/N: Yeah. Well I mean you guys are always here anyways, why not have you guys live in the same vicinity you know. But everyone will have to pitch in for groceries. I already have 4 garbage disposals that eat so much, plus you 6! Lol
Joon: Noona are you sure? That would be so awesome! I honestly thought we were going to get separated.
Y/N: I enjoy your guys company, my girls love you guys, and Yoongi may seem like he doesn't but he does.
Hobi: Yeah we know lol
Yoongi: Ok, so we all agree on this house then?

Everyone agreed and made an appointment to tour the house. The next day came and all 7 guys went to talk to Bang PD. He was a bit surprised but thought it was a good idea. Yoongi told him it was all Y/N that suggested for them to remain close to each other. He was impressed.

Yoongi: I would like for you to meet her Bang. The guys love her, and her kids are beautiful girls. You will love her too.

Bang PD thought about it, and he agreed to meet her.

Bang: Ok. Let's have dinner so I can meet the future Mrs. Min.
Yoongi: Thank you so much!! We'll plan for dinner, when did you want to go?
Bang: Well I have Wednesday night off, if you guys aren't busy let's go to dinner then.
Jin: Ok. Sounds good.

Yoongi ends up going home to tell Y/N the news. It takes Y/N by surprise but is happy his boss is on board with their engagement.

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