Chapter 10

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Y/N jumps and hugs Yoongi.

Yoongi: hey. Why are you crying?
Y/N: i don't know, I thought maybe this was just going to be like..
Yoongi: a Fling?

Y/N nods.

Y/N: I didn't know you wanted to get serious, so I was just holding back. I felt that connection when we first met at the signing. How you wouldn't let go of my hand while I was holding my daughter's friend. I dunno I just felt something.
Yoongi: I love you Y/N. I'm in love with you.

Y/N didn't even think twice and just kissed him.

Y/N: I love you too Yoongi.

She couldn't believe what they just confessed to each other. She was definitely on cloud 9.

Yoongi: So I'll pick you up around 6 tonight then?
Y/N: yeah ☺️
Yoongi: Ok. I'll see you in a little bit ok. I love you

They kiss one more time and he starts walking to his car. Y/N waits until he gets in his car and drives away. She goes back in the house and the girls are already at the table eating breakfast. She goes to the kitchen and makes herself a cup of coffee. She goes and sits down, and serves herself.

Y/N: Yoongi asked me to be his girlfriend.

Lisa starts choking on her coffee while Daisy and Leilah get up and start clapping. Elizabeth gets all emotional and hugs Y/N, and Viktoria smiles and goes and hugs her mom.

Liz: Omg so what happened? Is that why you were outside for a little bit?
Y/N: Yeah. He asked me to dinner because the guys want to meet me. I guess Namjoon told them that I was his girlfriend and Yoongi didn't even deny it.....he told me he's in love with me.
Daisy: WHAT?? No way!!! Omg mom what did you say?
Y/N: That I love him too. I am head over heels in love with him. And I am so scared.
Liz: No Y/N don't. It's ok to feel like this. Being scared is just a reminder that it's real.
Lisa: Yeah girl. You deserve this. I told you he was one of the good ones. I'm so happy for you!!

Everyone takes a turn hugging Y/N. She's been out of the dating scene for so long, she didn't know if it was lust or if her feelings towards Yoongi were real.

Y/N: what the hell am I going to wear tonight? He didn't even tell me if it was casual or fancy or whatever. And I didn't even ask.
Liz: Let's go to your closet and see what we can find.
Y/N: ok. But we need to clean up the kitchen then we can go.

All girls finished eating breakfast, cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen.

Liz and Lisa: Alright lets go to your room!!
Y/N: Ok ok.

They walk to Y/N's room and Lisa and Liz start looking through her closet.

Y/N: Aarrgghhh!!! I don't have anything to wear!!! Wtf??
Lisa: Why don't you text him and ask?
Y/N: He's busy in the studio. I don't want to bother him.
Liz: You won't. Just ask him.
Y/N: Ok fine.

Texting Yoongi:

Y/N: Hi. Sorry to bother you...but you didn't tell me what kind of attire I should wear for tonight's dinner.
Yoongi: You're not bothering me. Don't say that ok. ❤️ you can dress casual. Jeans or a dress, just as long as your comfortable.
Y/N: Ok. 😊 I'll see you later xoxo

Y/N: He said casual. He said I can wear jeans or a dress. Just as long as I'm comfortable. In that case jeans. Lol
Liz: Alright lets get this outfit started.
Y/N: Remember I have to wear flats because of my stupid ankle.
Lisa: Yes we know lol
Liz: What about this?? (Blue jeans, white loose blouse, black belt, and black Toms shoes) We can change the earrings if you want, and just add a jacket. In case it gets chilly later tonight.
Y/N: Thats actually perfect. I love it. Alright it's barely 11:30, so I can probably squeeze in a nap lol or just hang out until I have to get ready.
Liz: Sounds good.

Afternoon comes and Y/N starts getting ready. Her and Yoongi have been texting all day. He tells her they were going to eat at the house, but then they changed their mind and are going to go to a steakhouse instead, since Namjoon doesn't like seafood. Y/N asks if casual wear is still ok and he says yes. 6pm comes around and there's a knock at the door.

Y/N: Shit!! Omg he's here. Quick help me get my jacket. Daisy can you get my black purse please.
Daisy: Yeah. Getting it.

Viktoria opens the door and lets Yoongi in.

Yoongi: Hey. Is your mom ready?
Viktoria: Yeah I think so.

Y/N quickly changes purses and starts walking out of her room. Omg she can already smell his cologne and tries to remain calm.

Y/N: Hi!
Yoongi: Hi. You look beautiful.
Y/N: ::blushes, gives him a kiss:: thank you
Yoongi: You ready to go?
Y/N: Ready as can be. ::turns to her girls:: you guys remember...Lisa and Elizabeth are in charge. Whatever they say goes. And I don't want any complaints!!
Girls: Ok mom! Go have fun!
Viktoria: Please take care of my mom!
Yoongi: I will, I promise ok.

Viktoria nods.
Viktoria: Bye mommy! Have fun. Love you.

She sees her mom and Yoongi walking to his car. And then they take off.

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