"Are we talking about the same person?" Christine snickers, bringing a small smile to Albus's worried features. "Scorpius Malfoy isn't going to be spooked. You guys have something unique."

"'Unique'? What is that? Code for something?" Albus was frowning again.

"For once can you just take my words as plain instead of trying to decipher a hidden meaning? I'm not spinning you a riddle, Albus. I'm putting this in laymen's terms." Christine laughs. He readjusts the books in his arms, feeling embarrassed that he always did that. "I don't think that Scorpius is the one scared of commitment. I think you are." She says impassively.

"And how did you draw that conclusion?" He wonders, not defensively but rather intrigued. Was he scared? Of course he was. Albus liked to take life one day at a time. He didn't commit to anything other than studies and family. How was he supposed to commit to Scorpius?

"No idea. It's not like I know you at all whatsoever, and I have no idea how Scorpius acts." Her sarcasm was so strong it almost sounded like she wasn't joking at all. "He's never looking for a relationship, but when he's part of one, Scorpius is loyal. We had our arguments and issues and disagreements. Hell, he drove me mad, but I never worried about if he was committed. And I think deep down, you know that. It's not that you're scared he's going to be spooked, you're worried you will be." She says like she was a pro at divination. Honestly, she probably was and Albus probably just had no idea. Maybe she's read their futures and auras and everything else and Albus has no idea she's omniscient.

"Right now it's fun. It's forbidden almost. No one outside the circle knows. And it's exciting. I don't want that thrill to go away if we make things official." Albus finally explained after taking some minutes to formulate his thoughts.

"Scorpius is always going to get into ratchet shit, do spur of the moment things- either romantic or platonic. That thrill won't go away. Considering the way you both look at one another when the other isn't watching, I'd be actually shocked if you two fell out." She was bluntly honest.

"Weren't you worried he was going to hurt you?" Albus looked at her intently, gauging her reaction. Christine didn't even hesitate at the question. Never did she make him feel like he was asking something dumb. In some ways, the girl was a perfect friend. No wonder Scorpius loved her, and still hangs out with her.

"He did hurt me. And I hurt him. Several times, over and over. But a relationship means working through that, and growing stronger together from it. We didn't work out because I need someone more empathetic. And Scorpius needed someone less... righteous." Christine soothingly lays a hand on his arm. "He's already hurt you, and you haven't gone anywhere. Why would it be different if you called him boyfriend instead of friend?"

"I think I get it. I'm sorry for asking. We were talking about Xavier and-"

"It's fine, I've talked your ears off about Xavier. You can always ask me about anything." She reassures, pulling out her phone as it starts to vibrate. "Speak of the devil and he shall interrupt. Talk to you later?" Christine gave Albus a casual kiss on the cheek, and answers her cell without waiting for his reply. The boy watched her head away from him, giving a small wave in departure before heading the rest of the way to the library himself.

When there, Lysander was waiting. To Albus's surprise, the boy had on his jacket and hufflepuff scarf. Was he going somewhere? It was too warm in the library to keep that heavy material on. "Hey." Albus greeted, setting down his books and taking a seat across from him at their normal place. "What's going on?" Lysander looked a little crestfallen and nervous to tell Albus whatever it was he was about to say.

"I'm leaving Hogwarts."

"What? Why? Has something happened?" Albus's green eyes went wide in concern. "Is your family okay?"

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