God I hate this kid. He's bloody hell rude and thinks he owns the school. If only he knew who my father was. He would be petrified of me.

"Shouldn't you be at home Draco? Students don't arrive for another week." I asked, I was honestly interested but also I wanted to be done talking to him.

"It's none of your business black bird."

He gave me that nickname first year when he realized my hair was so very dark. I have no idea why he thought he could give me a nickname. Friends give you nicknames, not some blonde with the last name Malfoy.

"Do I need to remind you that you don't deserve the right to call me by anything other than Myth?" I said in a cold voice.

He took a few steps towards me with a sly smirk on that stupid face "oh black bird it just aggravates you so much that I can't help myself."

Of course it aggravates me. His voice aggravates me. Now don't get me wrong he is hot, his white blonde hair and the way he was a foot and half taller than my 5'0 self made him very hot. Along with his very annoying smirk and his fresh minty breath as well as those amazing gray sparkling eyes.

"You're really admiring me aren't you?" He said with a smirk and laughing tone.

"Aww Malfoy, I was actually thinking of the many ways I could kill you this year." I replied in a sarcastic tone and walked away.

I would never kill but Draco Malfoy makes it seem really easy.

"Myth wait up!" He yelled as I was trying to get away from him.

"Christ Malfoy what do you want?" My voice had a very hard hint of annoyance, which should've given him the hint that I did in fact not want to wait up for him.

"Do you really think you-know-who is back?" He asked me.

Confusion poured over me. Out of all people Draco should know, his father is a death eater, one of the biggest death eaters out there actually. I know he knows that Voldemort is back, so why is he asking?

"Yes Malfoy. Yes." I replied and with that I really did walk away, but before I turned on my heel I saw a glimpse of fear on Malfoys face.

I know Malfoy has a hard life out of Hogwarts. His father is incredibly mean and one of the most evil death eaters. I can't imagine how Malfoy survives.

I've met his father when he's attempting to be nice but He has come to my house and although I was not allowed out of my room when death eaters had to talk to my father I still heard the conversations and his father is a real asshole, I guess that's where Draco gets it from.

After grabbing a few snacks I headed to my fathers classroom to wait for him, he said he would teach me a few defensive spells that I will need if Voldemort decides he needs to come after me because of this stupid ability that apparently makes me stronger, at least that's what father says.

"Gemini."my father walked into his classroom with a disappointed face.

I hopped off of his desk and walk towards him. His face read worrisome all over it. "Dad? What's wrong?"

"I must go meet with the order of Phoenix right now. If you need anything let Dumbledore know. I will be back tomorrow morning." He said in a stern voice.

"Woah woah" I laughed at him. Who is he telling me the girl who loves to help to stay at Hogwarts. "I am coming with."

"'No you are not Gemini." He said in a stern voice. I never take it as a real no until his voice is raised.

"Father please I want to help, who knows maybe my ability will emerge this year and I will be ready to fight." I said begging him. I know where the headquarters is at and if that's where he is going then that means I can see my two best friends.

Fred and George Weasley.

"I am not putting you in any situation that involves Voldemort. You can beg and complain but I'm not risking my daughters life." He said in a cold voice. He hates arguing with me but he knows I hate no for an answer.

"Dad! You aren't risking my life by letting me come with you, let me help I can help you guys. I know I can! Why can't you just trust me?" I yelled. All summer he wouldn't let me leave the house. He wouldn't even let me near the front door. I understand he wants to protect me but he doesn't understand that I can fight.

"Gemini Myth Snape! I said no and that's the final answer! You will stay here because I said so. I am protecting you!" My father yelled. Not yelled actually more like screamed. He gets angry a little too easily specially when it comes to protecting me.

Now you know my last name. Now you know I am the daughter of Severus Snape.

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