One of My Own (5)

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Summary: Harry leaves Y/N for her sister

Warnings: angst and fluff

Word Count: 1930 words


It was a heartbreaking sight, really. There was no denying that what Harry saw cracked and broke his heart completely. His faint state was now alert and his eyes had never been wider. The beating of his heart increased to a worrying pace, but he couldn't stray his eyes away from the shocked faces masking the two people he cared about.

"Harry," Niall breathed out, slightly out of breath from kissing Y/N. Niall's blue eyes shifted from his friend to the woman in front of him, her own gaze cast on the floor beneath her feet.

"W-what's going on here?" Harry asked, hearing his voice cracking at the edges. He swallowed harshly, hoping that some of his salivae would hydrate his severely dry throat.

Y/N stepped forward, placing her hands on her hips while she conjured up something to say to her ex-boyfriend. Harry watched her like a hawk. "What are you doing here, Harry? How did you even get in?"

The questions surprised Harry, and frankly; he was the one who let himself in her apartment. He had no probable reason to be in the same room as her, except for the fact that he had a key that opened her door.

He held up the silver key before placing it on the counter, sliding it towards her. Harry buried his hands in his head of hair, slightly tugging on the roots while he breathed heavily to calm himself. His heart was aching and his brain was going in circles; that wasn't a very good combination because sooner or later, he would most likely be belting out his thoughts out loud.

The image in his head–their lips tucked against each other– resonated in his mind; mocking him to an extent that rubbed him the wrong way. He knew he had no right to criticize their actions; they were all adults here, but somehow, Harry couldn't stop himself from echoing that he had Y/N first.

"Is this why you had to leave today, Niall?" Harry spoke in a menacing tone, his voice dripping in a poisonous hatred that lingered, making the air tense. He could see Y/N's eyebrows furrow in confusion and he mentally patted himself on the back. She glanced at the blonde boy; he didn't tell her this.

"So what if it was?" Niall challenged, standing up a little straighter to match up with Harry's slight advantage in height. He brushed Y/N's shoulder a little while he took steps forward to come closer to Harry.

Y/N was on the brink of panic. Although her appetite had been lost, she really had no energy to stop two grown men from brawling on her kitchen floor. Plus, seeing Harry had awoken some sort of vacuum in her; she didn't know if she still had feelings for him or if his presence was just something that bugged her. It was all overlapping inside her and she was definitely confused.

"Ni, stop," She stretched her arm out to touch his chest, preventing him from moving any further. Y/N was glad when he looked down at her and nodded at her request. "It's not worth it."

"Ni? Didn't know you guys were that close," Harry scoffed, rolling his eyes to the side. It was no question that Harry was battling with a defence mechanism to care for the dull pain throbbing in his chest. It helped him feel a little less hurt.

Y/N whipped her head at him, her hair slicing through the air with how fast she turned. "You should leave."

"Why? So you could go back to fucking each other?" Harry retorted, bitterness drowning the words he'd released.

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