One of My Own (4)

1.1K 20 14

Summary: Harry falls out of love

Warnings: angst and a lil fluff

Word Count: 4.4k


The weekend getaway was over and Y/N was back to reality. Harry had left shortly after dinner, indicating that he should probably look for Dani. It was an eventful two days, to say the least, but Y/N felt a little better sharing some of her internal hardships to people that will comfort and support her.

She was on her way to class when the sighting of a familiar man made her slow her pace down in order to watch his interaction with Dani. Niall and her sister were talking to each other animatedly, and she would've loved to stay and watch but she really had to get going. He should too, Y/N thought, since they were in the same class after all.

"Hey, Y/N. How was your weekend?" Niall greeted her cheerily, taking a seat on the chair beside her. She looked at him for a few seconds, debating if she had the right to ask what she wanted to question.

"Why were you talking to Daniela?" She interrogated, hands playing with each other as a nervous habit.

"Ah, thought I saw you walk past, didn't even say hi to me," Niall bore a grin towards her, avoiding the extent of her question.

Y/N knew that Harry felt more comfortable keeping their relationships to themselves, not because he was embarrassed by her; but because he wanted to make sure that the person that he was with currently would be there for a long time. He explained to her some time ago and she understood since she was also quite iffy of Harry meeting her sister. So, she really didn't know many of Harry's friends, not aware that Niall was one of them.

"Sorry, had to get to class," She shrugged her shoulders, pulling out a pen and notebook. "Are you gonna answer me?"

"Woah, slow down tiger," Niall widened his eyes at her intrusive question. "Well, just came to talk to her cause there's been some rumours going around,"

Y/N turned her shoulders to face him, interested in what he had to say and if she could do anything to help her sister out– after all, they were still relatives. "What kind of rumours?"

"Heard she stole her own sister' boyfriend," Niall whispered, looking around as if he didn't want anybody else to know. "What a bitch! And that boyfriend's a fucking asshole,"

She was alert, back extended to her full height as she let the next words fall out of her mouth, "Do you know t-their names?"

"Hmm well, I think her sister's name is Y/N? Not you though," He tilted his chin to gesture at her. "And I dunno the boyfriend, but she's dating a new guy now,"

"Oh really?" "Yeah, he's my best mate,"

"Your best mate?" Y/N stuttered out, feeling her heart start to pound. From the corner of her eye, she could see the professor walk down the angled slope towards the front of the lecture hall.

"Yeah. Harry Styles? Do you know him?" Niall asked, completely oblivious. "He was a dating a Y/N too,"

She only gulped at him, "Funny, isn't it?" He continued, trailing off when the puzzle pieces fit with each other, "Wait, d-did you– are you..?"

Y/N blinked, facing the front. She could feel Niall's blue eyes lingering on the side of her face, watching her with caution and what she's been used to recently–empathy. But, he didn't say anything.

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