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Summary: Harry and Y/N haven't seen each other in a while

Warnings: angst

Word Count: 4.1k


In a perfect world, Y/N would've had the courage to confess- again- but maybe when the circumstances were a bit better than they were before. Maybe he would actually reciprocate her feelings, and maybe he wouldn't have met Luna because he had decided that his heart belonged to Y/N back home.

In an effort to add more people into her minuscule group of friends, Y/N had signed up for Zumba at her local community center. She was a bit iffy at first about signing up because it wasn't cheap, and Y/N would rather much buy herself some snacks at the store, but she knew that she needed to get out there in order to get her mind off of her failed confession to Harry. Ever since she first stepped into the activity room with a large mirror right in front of her, Y/N was forced to face her reflection and watch her body move quite stiffly with the music.

Then, she would've disregarded the obvious flaws because Y/N wasn't very harsh with herself and she thought that whatever is 'wrong' with her, she can improve; that's why she chose to see only the good things, things that she liked. She was on the heavier side, a sizeable bum than most and she had a muffin top, but Y/N used those societal flaws to build herself up to be more confident. Plus, Harry always told her that she looked beautiful, and complimented her whenever he could. It wasn't that she needed Harry's approval to know that she's beautiful, but it definitely helped her self-esteem when someone like him made her believe that she was worth something. So that's why she was a bit confused as to why Y/N was looking at herself right now and was only seeing the flaws she otherwise would've ignored or maybe gaped at in a positive light. Her hips were jutting out a bit more, she noticed. A sixth sense made her feel like everybody around her was staring at her in judgment. A sane part of her knows that she was just being paranoid, but the larger half couldn't help but be more aware of her actions, taking unnecessary steps back so she wouldn't be in anyone's direct line of view.

And Y/N knew why she was perceiving this sort of emotion. She recognized that a considerable part of her was envious of Luna's appearance. Y/N wasn't anywhere near hers-beauty-wise-so maybe that's the root of all of her negative input. She was used to it, she guesses. Being around Harry for an extensive amount of time meant that she was in a plethora of pictures, ones that were posted in media articles, newspapers, and on social media. While others ignored her visible presence of being in the background right behind him, other outlets still isolated her and made comments about who she was without really learning who she is. So yes, there are some assumptions being made and certainly are their gossips about her looks saying that she was 'too ugly' to be hanging out with Harry, or that she wasn't as skinny as the previous women he had linked himself to (assuming that they were dating). As she said, it usually wouldn't disturb her or trouble her mind since Harry's reassurance echoes in her mind every time she doubted herself. It was comforting for someone to just be there for her, but Y/N was in the slow progress of accepting the fact that he might not be there for her anymore in the very near future, she figures.


"Hey Y/N, are you okay? You seemed about out of it," Darren, the instructor, approached her when most of the participants left the room. She was searching for the towel she was quite sure she threw in her gym bag in a rush.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks" Y/N smiled at him, forcing herself to converse with him although she wasn't in the best mood right now.

"So I was thinking, if you aren't doing anything Friday night ...we could maybe get dinner together," Darren started, inspecting her face for any sign of discomfort from her. The last thing he wanted was for Y/N to feel uncomfortable because of him.

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