Spotlight: the one where y/n just wants the night for herself

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Summary: y/n just wants the night for herself but harry's around

Warnings: angst

Word Count: 962 words


Harry pulled in the driveway to his house with a slouch to his back. He breathed a heavy sigh past his pursed lips; today was a long day. Despite the events weighing in so suddenly upon him, Harry knew he had something to be proud of. He should be happy; in fact, he should enter his and Y/N's shared home right now and greet her with the largest grin on his face because he had just finished a gruelling writing session that seemed to be ending up nowhere-but he ended up somewhere.

He was rendered confused, however, when the driveway to his house was filled with cars that he did not recognize, and that the porch lights were not the only lights illuminating his large home. In fact, it seemed that every room was brightly lit from the inside, smacking a perplexed look on his face.

As he exited the vehicle, a loud noise reverberated to his eardrums. Music was playing quite powerfully the closer he got to the front door. He barely had to take out his house keys before somebody had opened the door for him.

"Harry!" Dan, a man who Harry recognized from one of Y/N's office parties greeted him, a flute of champagne in his calloused hands.

The sitting room was filled with people he recognized scarcely and some-not. Many greeted him as he walked past, jeering a cup of liquor and murmuring something along the lines of 'congrats to your girl!' which he nodded to without knowing what they were congratulating Y/N for.


"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked sternly, sitting up on their shared bed, still in his outdoor clothes.

Y/N gulped nervously, fully knowing that she had no solid reason not to tell him without at least hurting his feelings the slightest bit.

He looked at her intensely, brows raised high as if to say that his patience was wearing thin but she knew him better than that. She knew that Harry never fully lost his patience because it leads to nowhere. He wanted answers now but he won't get it unless she was completely comfortable with the situation.

She dug her fingers to the cloth she was holding, gripping it tightly to release some tension flowing through her. Y/N's breath caught in her throat, making her hitch on the next deep breath she took. Her lips parted the slightest bit, "I was going to tell you..."

Harry huffed, shaking his head with a frustrated chuckle. He wanted to be fully aware and prepared to react when Y/N let the words slip past her mouth, yet his mind couldn't help but touch on the possibilities that might present themselves.

"You were going to tell me?" He repeated slowly, receiving a nod from her.

"After," Her gentle voice filled the room but Harry's ears buzzed with pain and realization, "I just wanted this night to celebrate me and my achievements,"

The knot was heavy in her throat, lashes flickering as she blinked at him, hoping that he could connect the dots so she didn't have to say it herself. He paused his movements, chest stuttering to adjust to his breathing. It felt as though his heart stopped-cracking, breaking--because of her words.

"W-why didn't you tell me, Y/N?" Harry questioned once more. This time he spoke with a quiet simmer laced with hurt and doubt. His gaze clouded over in a glossy film as an overbearing weight situated itself on his shoulders.

"Because you're you,"

He bit his lip, knowing that there was more coming especially with how she shifted as if to shield herself from him and the aura of insecurity that fogged his presence.

"I just wanted this night to be about me for once,"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows, feeling a jab in his heart as soon as the words reached his ears. He was incredulous that Y/N could ever think such a thought, especially since his genuine personality knew that he would give whatever she needed-even if it was a night for herself. Despite that, he could not deny the pain throbbing chest, his mind-boggling against the confines of his skill, looking for an explanation, a reason to blame besides him.

"What d'ya mean, Y/N?" Harry said firmly with a confused tone, jaw twitching as he tried not to let his patience wear thin, seeing his girl fidget with the rings on her fingers- a twisted habit that she found herself doing when she felt nervous.

Her lashes fluttered as she blinked, features conforming into a mundane, guilty expression. Y/N sighed deeply, "Nobody cares about me when Harry Styles is sipping coffee in the corner. You could smile for a split second and everybody in the room would treat me like a cloud; they walk past me and straight to you even when we're celebrating my accomplishments,"

Harry winced at the harsh memory of the past; Y/N holding back tears as a mutual friend of theirs lost interest after Harry appeared by her side, hands gripping her waist and a glass circled by his hands, jollying a greeting that had shifted the conversation about him. His newest single. His latest album. His sold-out tours. His nominations. Y/N shut her mouth hesitantly with a shaky purse of her lips. Her passionate words drifted off in the air, disregard blanketing her as she realized that the person wasn't paying attention to her anymore. Not when Harry was around.

"And I understand that. You're incredible,"

He snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head, "Don't put yourself down,"

She chuckled breathily, closing her eyes too tightly that cause tears to form on the corners, "I'm not. Not when everyone is doing it for me."


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