Brussel Sprout Smoothies: the one where harry and y/n go out for a run

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Summary: Harry and Y/N go running

Warnings: fluff

Word Count: 813 words


The first thing Y/N heard this morning was the sound of Harry's alarm clock blaring through their shared bedroom. Y/N was a grumpy one in the morning and Harry was probably the worst person to be around during the early hours because he was just so joyful and all-smiles that his energy was something to be jealous of.

"Come on, Y/N. Up you go," He tittered while pulling on her arm to try and get her to at least sit up on the bed.

"Five more minutes please, H" Y/N moaned out, too tired to even say his full name.

"Y/N, come on. We have a schedule to follow here," His voice was still light but it held a stern tone underneath that made her eyes snap open but close faster than she thought they could because of the sunlight peeking through their curtains.

"'Mm no we don't,"


Eventually, Harry had managed to haul Y/N out of bed. He was holding on to her arm while she slipped on some running shorts to steady her since apparently "it's too early in the morning to balance and shit".

The next was her running shoes and Harry had tied both shoelaces for her while she sat on the bed, getting about a minute in for a 'quick power nap'. He only shook his head at his girlfriend but chuckled anyway.

And so, the day began with Y/N stalling as much as possible to avoid the dreaded exercises that Harry preferred to do right in the brink of the morning. He is an enigma to be stared upon, especially when the bright sun behind Harry's head of curls created a halo that proved him God-like.

"Y/N, I don't know if you're awake but can you please listen to this part?" His red wristband flashes through Y/N's line of sight. She figures that she must've been gaping at his structured cheekbones with a part in her mouth.

"I am listening," She defends herself from the accusation, stomping a neon sneaker on the pavement she stood on. "Go on,"

Harry eyes her suspiciously, "So like I said, I usually do eight laps around the neighbourhood but today, we're only doing four-"

"Four laps? Don't you think that's a bit," Y/N interrupts as she inspects the length of Harry's LA neighbourhood. ".. much? I mean, look at this place H. You do this every morning?"

He smiles in amusement at her surprise, "LA's quite big," He watches as Y/N blows a puff of air to get rid of the strand of hair dangling in front of her eyes.

"LA's quite big," She mocks, face scrunching up to match the tone of her voice. "Ugh Har, it's not too late. I can go back home," Y/N changes her body's direction towards the porch, ready to actually jog back home.

"Hey, hey, hey," He grasps the already moist skin of her arm, "You promised you would do this with me," With his lips set in a pout, and his eyes glowing lighter with the refraction of the sunlight, Y/N had no choice but stare at his adorable face and cry internally at his cuteness.

"Fine! Let's do it,"

"Yaaay!" Harry's squeaky voice disrupts her. She gives him a side-eye that makes him immediately cease his clapping.

"If I die, I'm blaming you," She straightens that headband stretched around her head, cracking her neck from side to side.

Harry jogs in place for a warm-up, "Can't blame me if you're dead," He swipes his finger against his neck, whistling lowly to conclude his words. Y/N pauses her movements, staring at him in shock.

Before she could utter a word, Harry's long legs were striding a few meters ahead of her, "Hey! Wait up,"

Her stubby legs take four strides in order to catch up with every one of Harry's two steps. He breathes calmly through his nose and mouth, whereas Y/N was spending all of her energy trying to catch up to him while shouting his name.

Harry stops moving forward but continues hopping on his toes. He turns around to find Y/N tripping over her two feet and almost crashing into him.

"Woah there! Girl, you tripping," He jokes gleefully, the wrinkles by his eyes making a showcase. He steadies her by the forearms.

"Can we please stop running? I think I'm dying." Y/N pants out in desperation. And maybe she was exaggerating just a little bit, but her lungs were on fire and she swore her nose was buzzing on its own.

"Y/N, we don't have time for this," Harry directs. "The faster we finish, the faster we can drink some brussel sprout smoothies,"

If that was supposed to motivate Y/N, Harry failed tremendously. "Now c'mon Y/N! Work those little legs,"

Needless to say, Y/N made sure to run extra slow to avert her tastebuds from tasting the dreaded concoction.


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