One of My Own: the one where harry cheats with y/n's sister

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Summary: Harry falls out of love with Y/N
Warnings: angst!
Word Count: 3.1k
Based on: Y/N and H being a couple for a long while, however, H falls for someone else and that person turns out to be Y/N's sister.

Harry came into Y/N's life at the best time possible. Although she lived away from her family, she received news and updates from her sibling who did stay with their parents. It was bad. Every night, Y/N's parents fought about the tiniest things and her brother, Carlos, did his best to intervene so it wouldn't get any worse, but to no avail. It was unfair for him since he was so young, he was only in high school too; he didn't deserve to be muddled in their parents' mess. Daniela, their sister, was a few years older than Y/N and had decided to travel for the past two years meaning that she couldn't do anything about it since she was far away. Y/N tried to come home as much as she could, she didn't want Carlos to be alone more than he should but it was difficult for her as well. She was in university; broke and barely had the necessities to make ends meet, surely she didn't have money to spend to travel to and fro from campus residence to a three-hour train ride back to her hometown. But she tried her utmost hardest.

When Harry and Y/N met, her parents were just beginning their disagreements. They mentioned divorce during dinner once with Daniela joining through a video chat from across the world–probably the last family dinner that they'll have– and Y/N took it the hardest since she was the closest with both of her parents. Carlos got on well with their dad and Daniela preferred their mom more. Y/N was the middle ground, the middle child, and her relatives often asked her if she was doing okay when she younger because apparently that the second of three children was the one who was often forgotten or not paid attention to enough. That wasn't the case for Y/N's family because for as long as she was aware of, her parents were loving and passionate, both of her siblings were normal–some teasing here and there but all in all, they were the picture-perfect family of five, the only thing missing would be a furry pet dog.

The stress of her education, the environment of her job, and the state of her crumbling family took a heavy toll on Y/N and suddenly, everything she did require a little more effort from her already weak body. The simple things, like getting up in the morning or making herself eggs for breakfast was substantial for her and Y/N slowly slipped into depression. She was in denial at first, having experienced some unhappy moments in her life, but she could tell that this time around was dissimilar. She was uneducated you could say, she had a schema of what it was like to have depression and most of them were false and untrue. Y/N always thought that that had to sprout of a giant traumatic event– which could be the case– but she hadn't thought that her parents' upcoming divorce would be a reason for it. Hell, they didn't even make it official yet! It was only a suggestion so Y/N was a bit confused about why she was waking up sluggishly, walking lethargically, and seemed to have no motivation for anything. Y/N realized, then, that depression didn't have to begin with something so huge– it could be small things that build up into something bigger and bigger and before she knew it, she was in this state.

It seemed that meeting Harry was the one good thing in her life at the moment and it was true. He sparked up joy back into her life, made it feel like it was worth living. Her grades were on an all-time high ever since it decreased last semester, her home wasn't as much of a mess, most importantly– he made her feel loved again. It was a slow burn for their relationship and it took months before he had the courage to ask her out on a date. Their feelings for each other were pretty obvious, but Y/N didn't want to risk losing their friendship so she shut up about it. Besides, most of her relationships never ended well, and she lost parts of herself to the people that didn't deserve it. Soon, he asked her to be his girlfriend in the cheesiest way and Y/N was a happier person than she was before meeting Harry. She seemed to have a deeper understanding of her parents' decisions and her heart didn't ache as much when she envisioned the future of her family.

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