Lunar New Year: the one where harry celebrates with y/n's family [asian!y/n]

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Summary: Harry celebrates Chinese New Year with Y/N's family
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 1.1k
Disclaimer: I am NOT Chinese though, I have researched and am quite familiar with the traditions. I've also consulted my friends who do celebrate it. If there's any generalized info that I've used incorrectly, please message me about it!


Harry was amazed at the culture. He and Y/N woke up early this morning in order to visit the city's Chinatown to watch the traditional performances of the dragon and lion dances. The beat of the drum thrumming as the performer's mallet hits it rhythmically while the two-person ensemble danced to it was unlike anything he had seen before. At one instance, the head of the dragon was headed straight for him and Harry cowered back in alarm but eventually relaxed once he realized that it was part of the routine. It was more intimidating since the fiery red and orange 'tail' swayed angrily, framing the head dauntingly.

"You should've seen your face!" Y/N laughs, pointing at Harry and reenacting the emotion that plastered his face the moment the dragon faced their direction.

"Y/N," He whines like a child. "I didn't know okay,"

Y/N pinches his cheeks as he pouts cutely, keeping an eye on her mother who was currently leading them out of the square and in the busy streets.

"Yeah, yeah it was your first time,"

Y/N is Chinese and Harry-having had not one Asian girlfriend before-was very new to the culture. Sure, he's spent time in Japan in the past years, but he is educated enough to know that the cultures are observably different. Having met each other a year before, this was the first time when their relationship was concurrent with the annual Lunar New Year.


"It's the year of the Pig, Harry!" Y/N was seated on the couch, a computer on her lap with her reading glasses on.

"Year of the Pig? What's that about?" He questioned having little knowledge of the topic and has only heard about it minutely.

"Yeah! Every year, there's a different animal sign according to Chinese Zodiac," She paused her actions, speaking to him in a factual tone. "Last year was the Dog and in a week's time, it's going to be the Pig,"

Harry appreciated that Y/N was willing to answer his question about her culture without demeaning his cluelessness about the topic.


And so, the day goes on with him exploring the booths of Chinatown. He voluntarily tries the rare snacks that are only appearing during the occasion. He tries the street food, the traditional dumplings and learns more and more about the meaning of each symbol and why it's historically important for them.

He was warned not to fill up too much on food while they were out as dinner tonight would be robust. Y/N's extended family will be visiting for the New Year, essentially meaning that he will be fully immersed in an experience so totally new and educating for him. He is definitely excited.

Currently, his arms are slowly being accompanied by plastic bags, carrying decorations to slap on the walls of Y/N's family's house later in the afternoon. His eyes couldn't get enough of the red colour; symbolizing good luck. A red lantern hangs above his head, the walls of buildings being plastered in pictures to depict prosperity. The paintings are mostly pigs because of course; it is the year of the pig.


The house is packed with relatives who have not seen each other since last New Years' greet and check in on one another's life. Walls were decorated in spring couplets, adding authenticity to the otherwise normal home. The floors were cleaned a couple of days prior to 'sweep away the dust'-hiding away the past, bidding farewell and paying close attention to the coming of a new year.

Harry overhears that Y/N's second cousin is pregnant and next year, there would be another addition to the family. He also hears not-so-positive things being passed around the house and he doesn't know if he should laugh or not given that he is the 'newest' addition to the family. Well, not exactly. He hasn't asked Y/N's mother yet about his plans to propose-he knows it's only been a year and sometimes when he and Y/N got together, but he is absolute about his feelings for her.

The reunion dinner itself was delicious. Countless options were placed on the large table ranging from fish, beef, pork and vegetables served as choices for the family. Large servings were either ordered or cooked to suffice the hungry stomachs of the guests. Hot pot was one of the big sellers, Harry discovers as watched Y/N's mother make broth about three times and he himself had offered to wash the enoki mushrooms while Y/N cut the tofu in cubes.

Eventually, the mass of the crowd gathers in the living room. The television was hooked up to a karaoke machine where the passionate aunties sang to their hearts' desires. However, it was paused to bring order to the next event happening. Most of the adults grasped red-coloured envelopes in their hands and Harry wanted to know where they got it.

"Psst, Y/N! Can I get one of those too?" Harry pokes Y/N's hip since she was standing beside him while he sat on a chair.

She nods, asking an elderly woman on her other side if she had any extras. She receives about four envelopes and gives them to Harry.

"What are these for?" He runs his fingertip over the gold characters.

"You put some money in it and give it to the kids. It's for good luck," She answers, smiling down at him while letting her forearm rest on his broad back.

Harry opens the envelopes, shifting a bit to grab his wallet in his pocket. He pulls out a couple of hundred bills and stuffs them neatly in each red letter.

The time comes to hand over the envelopes. He gives one to Y/N's little cousin who was only two years old.

"What do you say, Cindy?" Y/N asks.

"Fank you, Hawwy," She answers shyly, eyelashes fluttering as she bats her eyes at him. His heart melts at the cuteness and he squeezes one of her cheeks gently.

"No problem, bubs"

Some of the adults head outside the house to light the fireworks just in time to welcome the Lunar New Year. It was a well-known tradition; with its confetti and sparklers igniting right before their eyes.

"We used to stay up all night," Y/N speaks, laying on Harry's chest while they watched her family laugh when her uncle fails to light up a cracker. "But they're getting older now so they only stay up till midnight"

Harry chuckles, looking up in time to see the first successful firework explode into the starry night sky.

"3...2...1, Happy New Year!" The happy family cheers, hugging one another.

"You know we still have other relatives to visit tomorrow and we also have to video chat with my grandparents. I'm sorry if this is troublesome to you,"

"It's fine, lovie. I'm so glad to be spending this with you,"


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