28|| Over and Over Again

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"Why did you respond to the call?" Ryan asks in frustration

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"Why did you respond to the call?" Ryan asks in frustration.

"I thought it was Mrs Martin.."

Dr Collins freezes.

"My sister?"

I nod. "Yes, it is normal for a teacher to call to check up on you.."

Dr Collins lets out an almost inaudible gasp.

"They have her. She's definitely in danger. But how?"

"They don't know she's your sister," Alexander speaks out. "They probably knew we wouldn't respond to a stranger's number so they visited the school and used the Homeroom teacher's phone to call."

I nod.

"He's right..."

I have a strong belief that this is the case for them. After all, Mrs Martin and Dr Collins don't share the same last name. I really hope they don't dwell about it and end up finding out they are siblings.

"But what if they do something to her now? They already have her phone."

Dr Collins paces all around the room in panic.

"Hey, calm down. We'll figure something out and if they have her, we'll free her," Yazan's tries to calm her down.

"Besides, they can't do anything within the school grounds because it would attract attention and that's the last thing they want," Alexander adds.

I nod as I pat the researcher's shoulder to calm her down.

"Don't worry we will deal with it. We got her caught up in our problems so we will be the ones to release her from their hands," I tell her.

"I need to have some time to myself. I'll be in the room," she says before she takes off.

"It will be okay," Delilah whispers as she walks by her.

We are then left by ourselves as silence engulfs us.

"What was that phone call all about anyway?" I find myself questioning out loud. The others all glance at me weirdly before looking away and Alexander's sigh is the only thing that breaks their silence.

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