14|| Mission: Find a Hiding Spot

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The last few seconds were chaotic

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The last few seconds were chaotic. We were running around trying to figure out what to do, who needs to hide, what needs to be fixed and what needs to be thrown away without giving anything away. At this moment, Yazan is pushing Alexander behind the sofa and shouting for him to hide so Alexander takes matters into his own hands and does the one thing he's capable of doing; he flicks Yazan's forehead.

"You should be the one hiding, I'm not the escapee," he all but yells.

The bangs are getting heavier by the second. Yazan finally finds what he deems the perfect place for him to hide- which just so happens to be the dining table with a table cloth that covers its entirety to the legs.  The thing is, it does cover him for the most part but his feet are out in the open.

"I appreciate the thought but we are not dealing with imbeciles that don't know what they're doing. Besides, aren't your feet cold?" I ask while rolling my eyes.

"Then where am I supposed to hide? There's literally no where. And don't worry, they are not cold."

I stand there panicking for a while- not sure of what to do and incapable of finding a suitable place to hide him. The banging stops for a while (and by a while I mean a millisecond) before it comes back in full force. I decide it would be best for us to head to Mike's room and try to figure something out from there.

I stand outside the door for a second to prepare myself for the waves of emotions that I know will pass by.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I wish it was that easy but I haven't been in the room since his death. I take in a breath so deep that it feels like it explodes out of my lungs before I open the door and strut in.

The sight in front of me completely wrecks my heart as I long for the person who showed me the brightest things in life and made me glad I was ever born- the same person who isn't here anymore.

The room is exactly as he left it. It looks untouched although it gets cleaned up every once in a while by the housekeeper who I specifically hired to do his room so that I don't have to do it myself. His bed is as neat as ever and it feels as if his aura is still lingering there.

I shake my head to pull me out of my reverie.

It is not the right time for this. I have to find a place to hide Yazan or we will be goners. After that, I can start worrying about everything else.

Alexander walks into the room, followed by Yazan who's carrying a kettle of water. I don't bother asking what's the use for the kettle and I decide to just leave them be. It is silent until Alexander stops by the bookshelf and holds out a book.

"I don't know about you but I don't think that now is the proper time to check out book summaries," Yazan blurts from his place. Alexander crinkles his forehead before he moves to put the book back in the shelf and the action causes something to open as soon the book is placed back in its rightful place.

I am not sure whether the shelf broke or it was always like that. I am too busy trying to search through my brain for an answer that I don't notice Yazan entering that place (and fitting completely into what was supposed to be the shelf) and Alexander grabbing my hand and pulling me inside as well. Before I can say anything, he grabs the kettle from Yazan and pours the whole thing on top of my head.

"Hey! What was that for?" I almost shriek.

"I helped you with your 'shower' so go on and open the door," he says as he pushes me out of the place, gives the kettle back to Yazan, walks himself out and then closes the shelf making it look like usual.

When I open the door, the 3 people standing outside look intensely mad. They are looking at me without bothering to hide their infuriation and glares are suddenly being sent between us.

"How can I help you?" I say in irritation.

"We are here for a house check. It would've been greatly appreciated if you didn't ignore us and immediately answered the door," one of them says.

"Well excuse me, but as you can see from my appearance, I was in no condition to open the goddamn door. If you were going to pay me a visit, you should've informed me first. That's not how businesses go."

"What about your project? He could've answered the door himself, you know," the female one says before sighing as if we are wasting her time.

I know for a fact that what she said bothers Alexander because I can feel him tense up by the mention of of the word 'project'.

"I was in the shower minding my own business while my 'Project' was cleaning up the house. When the bell rang, he was in one of the rooms using the vacuum so he couldn't properly hear the ringing and the unceasing banging. Do you know that I almost slipped while I was in the shower when I heard these murderous bangs? I could've gotten a concussion or even worse, died!" I tell them angrily- exaggerating a little bit too much.

The 3 workers look taken aback by the way I speak to them. They all stand there in silence, unable to form a comeback since I literally told them that what they did was uncalled for and that it's a form of invasion of privacy. Not to mention the me almost dying thing would've possibly caused them to lose their jobs.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, we will make sure to inform you of our future visits from now on!"

"I hope this doesn't repeat itself again."

The examination goes quite well. They check my room and have absolutely nothing to say. After all, I did talk back to them so I guess they don't want me opening my mouth any longer. Alexander's room and his belongings are being checked too. They ask if he got any new items which he did not have while being in the facility, whether he has shown any strange behavior or done anything that he is not supposed to do. They check the kitchen, toilet and lastly Emerson's room. Thankfully, they don't come across the secret room behind the shelf.

Before they leave, they decide it would be best to ask the question they wanted to ask all along but couldn't find the perfect time to do so.

"So, may we know what you have been up to the day you received a call from our facility?" we are asked.

"I was hanging out at the mall with some friends of mine. We didn't stay out for long and when I came back home, Alexander was still hanging out with his friends."

"May we know who these friends are? And whether you were the one that suggested he be with someone or it's a decision made all on his own?"

"I was the one who suggested for him to be with someone since I knew it's best to not leave your project unsupervised," I say confidently.

"Thank you. We will be taking our leave now."

I sigh in relief when I finally close the front door shut and Alexander and I fall straight to the floor. It is moments later when Alexander decides that it's okay for Yazan to come out now. We call for him but he does not respond. It freaks us out so we immediately dash towards where we left him and in we see Yazan by a table with plenty papers covering most of it and an indescribable look plastered all over his face.

Alexander and I look worriedly at each other before we both face towards Yazan. Our concerned expressions soon change when Yazan turns towards us and gives a timorous look.

"I found something."

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