Scared of the Future

Start from the beginning

I've been hanging out with Percy most out of everyone. With his input we decided that even if we figure out who I am we aren't going to tell any of the others until we're back on the boat and a little more settled. It'd be horrible to spring a surprise on them like that in the middle of their individual quests.

I have a feeling the dagger is in a museum and Rome and other agree with me. But today we are focusing more on the blood and head because right now we are walking up to the emporium.

I drew my wand, it was my job to paralyze Medusa. The others had weapons drawn. They looked badass and I looked like a little kid you picked up a random stick. I sighed, I would have to get used to not looking as cool.

Percy turned to us one more time before we went in, "Don't be fooled by her kindness and really good food. She entices you so she can make you off balance. Don't agree to any photos either for her statues." He turned back around and walked in.

He was obviously surprised by what we were met with, the lady standing with a turbine and sunglasses looked nothing like what Percy described. She looked younger and was wearing a leather jacket and stretch pants.

"Uhhhhh...hi," Percy said confused, the lady was obviously still the same woman in a different form but Percy got caught off guard.

Medusa smiled eerily, "Ah, I remember this sent. old friend Percy Jackson. Oh...and someone else." Her head turned to me I froze, she was honestly intimidating just from a glance and she had glasses so I could see her eyes. The way she talked made my skin crawl.

"Hermione!" Percy called but I was scared, and was realizing in this moment I was not cut out for this. One quick movement with this lady's hands she could remove her blockades and turn me to stone. And i've been petrified before...from looking in the reflection of a Basilisk's eyes.

"Oh, Percy dear. Son of Poseidon. Did you really trust a little girl to do something. She's standing still as...stone." Medusa laughed and then began to move, Percy and the other immediately kept into action. Keeping the woman from removing her blockades.

I swallowed looking at the lady and then tried to force myself to move but I couldn't. I felt stuck. Medusa was stronger than my friends and she broke free from their grasp and quickly removed her turbine to reveal her head of snake and her glasses.

"EVERYONE CLOSE YOUR EYES!!" Jason yelled. He ran and covered his eyes.

When the lady began to look up it took all my strength not to look at her in interest and curiosity. Just her presence made me want to look.

I looked down and opened my eyes so I could find a path to run. I followed Reyna's running feet.

We both dove behind a row of statues and she looked at me, "Hermione? What was that?"

I felt tears pricking my eyes, "I saw her and I froze. I just froze. I'm not strong enough for this. The second I felt any danger I was brought back to the war and I felt small and scared. I'm so sorry. I can't do this. I can't! I don't have anything to protect me like you guys! I have a wand but it can so easily break and—"

"I know, I know it is hard coming back to a dangerous adventure after what you experienced. The memories just flood back, but we need to because you're the only who may be able to stop her with the least amount o leg bloodshed from our side. And yes, you have a wand. Use it." She got up from where she was and started to run yelling a battle cry.

I looked at my hands shaking and got up. I followed Reyna's path and was met with a room, all my friends fighting with their eyes closed.

Medusa's back was turned to me as she dodged.

I raised my wand, "Petrificus Totalus!" I shouted out and threw the spell at Medusa her body scrunched up and she looked plastic and then she fell face forward.

Frank took the needles and vials he brought and took her blood and made sure to mark the vials. Then Percy took a swing with his sword and chopped her head clean. Jason worked quickly with putting it in the bag we brought for it.

I just stood there while they worked. Everything they did looked so natural. And it almost made me feel bad that doing these tasks was normal for them.

And scared for what my future held being one of them.


I actually didn't know where this was going at first but I'm really excited for it. That's all I have to say, I'm hoping my updates will be for often now because I am past the chapter I had been stuck on before. Which was the chapter previous to this one. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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