I Miss the Campfire But Learn Something Cool

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Will's POV:

after about a half an hour since the girl came. Chiron and Rachel kept whispering to one another while we were in the Infirmary, I continued to heal the girl. I figured out that she was 16 by placing my hand on her head. I spoon fed her some ambrosia in it's pudding like form. Her bruises started to fade and her cuts began to scar. I didn't feed to more than one cup though, in case she spontaneously combusted obviously.

The girl had very long, very dark brown hair, it was almost black, and it stopped at about her hips, despite it's messy state you could tell that much and still see her beach waves. She was still very noticeable muscular for how weak see looked in this moment, she could defiantly beat me up. She was wearing very old beat up black combat boots, she had stained and ripped light blue jeans, she had dark green crop top covered in dirt and grime like the rest of her, and she was also wearing a leather jacket that was slightly too big for her. she was also very short maybe 5'0" and light probably from lack of food, she seemed like she'd been running a long time. Once color started returning to her face I could see how tan she was as well.

I took off her arm sheath—that had been previously not visible until I took her jacket off—and sheathed her dagger in it, then placed it on her bedside table. I tried to take her ring/sword off but every time to take it off it flew out of my hand and it went back to her finger like her finger was a magnet, so I gave up and left it there. it was a plain thick celestial—I was assuming—bronze band, nothing special. She also had a normal ring on a long sliver chain around her neck, this ring was a thinner band and had an aquamarine colored gemstone in the center, small diamonds in the circle around the boarder of the big gemstone, and small round gold pieces on either side of the gemstones.

I took a wash cloth from the supply drawer and wet it and made it soapy and began cleaning off dirt from what I could right now, she would be able to take a proper shower later. I turned to Chiron and asked the question that had been burning in my gut since I spoke to Nico earlier that day, "Is there a new prophecy and her showing up starting it?"

Chiron looked surprised by my question, as did Rachel. Chiron regained his usual stature and spoke calmly, "All in good time you will know, but for the time being it is not important. Continue to treat her and after she has woken up, give her some food, allow to take a shower here, give her some pajamas, and then you may come to the Campfire."

I nodded and continued to move around the Infirmary grabbing tools and treating the new girl.


About a half and hour after Chiron left, it had officially been and hour of treating her, I knew that the Campfire was half over at this point, and I knew I probably wouldn't make it.

Finally, the girl woke up, she had green eyes. She looked around and then saw me. She jumped up and as she did she whipped her ring off, flipped it like a quarter and it became a sword, she got into a battle stance.

I held my hands up in surrender, "Woah, woah, woah, don't worry I was just healing you, your safe now. You can put the sword away. she gave me a suspicious looked as if trying to call my bluff by looked for a flicker in my tone or shift in my eyes and then she threw and flip her sword by it's hilt and in the air it turned back into her ring and zoomed back to her finger like it was a magnet again.

"Who are you," she croaked, her mouth must've been extremely dry it sounded painful for her to speak.

I put out my hand cautiously to shake hers, she accepted the offer, "I am Will Solace."

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