P: Standards

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Love is built on trust

And what I’ve learned I must

To live in hurt, to feel it worse

That’s why I distance the smut

The words ‘I love you’ so easily pronounced

But in my family they are forbidden

Words that me that you care for somewhere

Whereas here

The words are for ‘sinning’

Deception is key

When finding

What must be heard,

The truth

What lies lie wake

In my break of day?

How can I believe we are true?

That is why I don’t bring you and present you to all

A lovely lady you may be

But. Deception is key

And this relationship is about you and me

Not anyone in the fall

You are not the center of my attention

I’ve learned that if I make you happy and only focus on your happiness then what’ll happen to me

I focus on us and what we agree on

This isn’t about you

This isn’t about me

It’s about us

So don’t bother trying

If I find you a cheat

I won’t scream and lash out like you think

I’ll walk away

A smug grin on my face

Knowing that no other soul can hurt me

Not another soul like I’ve done to myself

Never again can anyone do that much damage

My mind and wavered in my own self

But as long as I do not let anyone in

Then the one who find their way

Won’t make the mistakes as well


“The Truth”

False Truths – sprinterchich13

I wanted to write poetry. At this point it’s okay if you don’t read them anymore. This is more because you’re giving me ideas to write about. ^^. 

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