P: Assumptions Fool

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The most confusing relationships are those in which insist without asking.

There was no question, only assumption.

Then, there is post-break up which leaves a logical person wondering,

How did I end up in this situation?

How does one depart from a relation that was insisted upon them?

Why did they let this unwelcome person into their lives? When did this initiate?

Their heart is fine but now someone's is full on anguish.

Is it the fault of the one who is sound or the fault of the one who claims to be innocent?

The one with the damaged heart is to blame.

For it is them who assumed and did not ask.

They made a fool of themselves.

Yet, the other is despised because they were unwilling.



Inspired by 'April's Fool' written by Bidiyakdamian. Written in 'Liberation: A Poetry Collection'

I'm not calling you a fool. When I read your poem this is what I thought of, it was the closest type of 'foolish' relationship I could think of. 

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