P: Invincible*

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When I think of invincible

I think of younger me

When I was in junior high

I always thought that I could do antyhing

That came to mind

My spirit ablaze

Physically I could do anything

Except fly, of course, I’m not insane

But when I think of invincible

I think of what I thought

Then I think of what I have done

And I imagine how much I’ve fought

Up until this point I realize

How invincible I thought I would be

If younger me saw me now

They’d be rejoicing

However this is why I am not

Invincible isn’t the word I’d use now

The current situations

I call myself strong


Strong willed



Over the years I’ve learned multiple lessons

But this is the one I’d tell younger me

Keep telling yourself that you’re invincible

At the age you are that’s the best description

When you get to my age you’ll realize

That there are more words out there to describe

Your never ending battles that seems so intimidating on you

Imagine yourself on the empire state building

(Don’t worry you do get to do this)

And when you look down at the New York below

Think. Every detail describes exactly how

How much you’ve gone through

Indeed. There is much

However, there is much more to come

And you’ll get through it

Trust me,

You are invincible


Spiceypricey: This is a message I would have to myself. Look! You're featured in the second book. Did I tell you why I started doing these replies? If I didn't than here it is and if I did then. Well. Let's hope it's the same answer I gave you before haha.

  I started writing replies because I wanted to improve in my writing. When I read someone else's poetry I get an idea and then i can make a poem on what I think of. The elements of that author's ideas then influence that poem and that's how I improve :D.

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