P: Sleepwalking

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I come from a land of sorrow and pain 

I don't know where to go 

My wandering eyes 

And motion

To the song of dispair

"Where? Oh where shall I go?" I ask unprepared 

In the night I continue 

Lost in the sight unknown 

It's fine all I need is wisdom 

Where am I to go?

In the pasture 

Lit by the night 

Sky of stars that shoot 

Across the sky does it sing 

"Good night to you" 

You wonder where you are 

However you go so far 

Into the darkness lit by the slight moonlight 

In the end you find 

Yourself wandering even fartherer 


and darker you go and take the risk 

"Dear, oh dear, where are you?" 

You hear the voice it calls you 

"I'm here. I'm here." You speak

"Come home, from your dream." 

The night falls and you see

The sun as it peaks 

Over the hills and makes its way 

The birds chirp to the beat

Morning calls you darling 

You find yourself awake 

And when your eyes open from the night you wonder 

Where have I gone?

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