P: Truth's Liberation

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Devoted, I was, to fear.

"Don't take my liberty!" I sneered.

The brittle armor that I donned was tight against my chest.

For I was growing but refused to believe its condition.

With a blow to the chest it shattered, revealing my bare breast.

The shock revealed my damaged pride.

For my foe was none other than myself.

I had tried to become who I was no longer.

The scattered pieces of my old self revealed,

That I could no longer hide in my past.

Since I had outgrown what fears I had declared to serve.

The truth cut through my poorly executed ruse.

Armor shattered, I stood naked.

My hand felt the hilt of the sword.

It was not liberty that was taken,

Truth, it let my liberty ring.



Inspired by 'Freedom' written by Bidiyakdamian. Written in 'Liberation: A Poetry Collection!' 

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