P: True Treasure

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The beauty in the darkness 

As well as the light 

The fighter of the fuctions 

And dreamer in the night 

Strong willed is thee

Emotional tactics seen 

Warrior against society 

Blended when want to be 

Reaching out for the better

Hoping for the worst

To expect the only treasure

Is to be blinded by the silver 

True treasure hunter 

With dragon's eyes 

Sout to the west 

And heard the cries

Of the others

Who wailed and seeked 

For the silver

Ever so blinding 

Hand reaching out 

Emotions astir 

A friend no doubt 

But not a savior 

Helper of those who had wandered

But only an advisor for thy 

Cannot speak for the wanderer 

When not every wanderer cries 

Risen up 

And beated 

By the crowd at times 

Lost in hope 


Why the treasures laying inside 

To open up the true chest

Of gold inside one's heart

A secret to many 

But found deep

Burried inside 



The Spell Of Yukon by Robert Service

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