P: What to make of us.

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That was the year that broke me.

Rather you than me

But fate said that we would be

And now here I am

My anxious nights are filled

With thoughts of giving in

But thankfully,

Thanks to you…

And many others

I’ve learned there’s more

You gave me reason-back then

I can’t throw you away

In that case I’ll never win.

But to this day

I’ve let you become

More than what you’ve wanted to be worth

Or maybe, you were always worth that.

My friend,


What can I do?

These years that we’ve been through

They feel much longer

But there are only seven.

This year will make eight

I hope what I say to you doesn’t anger you

Actually I hope you don’t read it and disregard it like I wish I could believe

But in all reality

You listen

If I know anything about you

Which I know more than above average soul

It’s that you’re a good listener

And so am I

But I’m better with responses in writing

And you’re better with reacting on spot

My heart, there will always be a place for you

And it sort of angers me if you will

That someone so important

Is important through distance

Another arrow to the heart cupid, my request

Rather, turn away from me

Do you have an arrow for broken hearts

One that will mend me and bind me together?

One that will stop the ‘bleeding’ best if I didn’t take it out?

I try not to think of you

But it’s a must

And one day I’ll end up letting go

But even today

Five years later

In my eyes

Your personality shows.


“The Truth”

Please don’t leave – sprinterchic13

I don’t mean to read over your personal poems but then again how can a poem not have true meaning without truth. This is what I created in response. It’s more about someone. If anyone read any other book of mine they’d know what I’m talking about. I’ll let you know that you’re not alone.

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