P: Being Immortal

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"We could be immortals"

Would be the catchiest phrase sung according to my ears.

It makes me feel powerful,

As if I can take the world.

My readers know how emotional I am,

And the same goes for my closest friends.

I don't change, and that makes my friends happy.

But when will this immortality that I feel,

Let me rest?

Forever living, gives another definition to depressed.

Lovey, such longevity...

Seems like a gift.

Loving all over again.

Meeting thousands of new people.

Living under immortality.

Does not make one invincible.

It can even make one feel further from invincible,

Because of the people and the cycles of death overpowering everyone else.


February 15, 2015

Inspired by "Realism" by spiceypricey 

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