Author's Note Five

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As a teaser, I'll leave a portion of the current Countered Reputations: Eyes of the Deceived here. If any of my readers are interested in reading what I've written so far I can email a link to the document. All you have to do is PM me or comment down below that you would like to read it and I will send the link to you.


An impulse. Sinoako felt a twist in her stomach. Beneath her skin a sensation itched. Her fingers twitched and her head lifted from the game that she was playing. The demon boy eyed her in curiosity. Words emerged from his lips. Alas, they were not heard.

Sinoako's feet carried her to the exit of the castle. At first, the boy followed her. He called to her. She knew of his voice yet when she tried to turn and react to it, her body failed her. All she could do was watch herself as if she was a guest in her own body. It was her instincts that took over her, she knew. What it was trying to show her was unclear.

Unaware of the cosmic turmoil inside of her, Sinoako was forced to endure the looks of demons of the palace. The concern in their eyes made her heart ache. She wanted to call out to them, tell them that she was okay, that she was in control. The truth, however, was that she was not. What hurt her more than the concern that filled their eyes was the fear.

What fear could she be installing in them? What did she look like? How could she conjure any fear in them? Sinoako could feel a burning tingle in her eyes. She felt something emerge from her but what it was, she did not know. The fear of the unknown. Was that the fear that she caused the demons around her to feel?

King Renogade did all in his power to ensure that she wasn't aware that she was different. He made sure that the demons didn't treat her as someone else or as something else. Her parents whispered the truth to her. They said that the world around her didn't understand her and that was the reason behind the King's white lies.

She knew she was different. How she was different was beyond anyone's understanding. Sinoako's eyes were grey but one day when her mother had told her that on occasion they glow a rich silver. Sinoako could never forget the day her silver eyes were revealed. Her caregiver, Madam Tullis, was not feeling well but told her parents that she wanted to meet with Sinoako anyway.

That day they had gone out to the gardens where the fruits of sanity were held. Madam Tullis had picked one for herself. She sliced open the fruit with her own nail and knelt down to show Sinoako that contents of the fruit.

"Such power lies within small delicacies." She said and took a bite of the fruit. The juice trickled down her mouth as she chewed.

Sinoako half expect the woman to wipe the juice away but to her surprise, Madam Tullis took another bite instead. "Darling, I'd like to tell you one last story." She said as she finished the fruit of sanity and licked her sharp fingers.

"I like your stories." Sinoako said as she looked up at the woman of ten feet tall. "Why should this be the last?" She asked.

The woman smirked, her teeth were pointed triangles, as most demon's teeth were. "Sadly," The woman began to tremble. "I do not have much time but I do want you to fetch your lady mother before we begin this story. That way..." She sighed. "That way she can protect you in case of any unfortunate events."

At the time, Sinoako did not understand but she tugged at her mother's sleeve when she found her in her bedchamber. An old scroll was in her hands. She was wearing a black dress but her skin was tan, like Sinoako's.

Without reluctance, her mother followed her out to the gardens. At the sight of Lady Tullis, she spoke. "Dearest, you know I trust you with my dear, Sin. Why do you require assistance today?"

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